recapture of immigrant visas passed to end EB3 retrogression

So what about the implementation of the new law signed by president. Is it also helping ALL EB-3 employees or ONLY schedule-A?
rtinkam said:
So what about the implementation of the new law signed by president. Is it also helping ALL EB-3 employees or ONLY schedule-A?
The new law is a relief to nurses but not to EB3 categories. So it does not help us and on top of that the Priority dates may retrogress further or become unavailable in the coming months which means we have to wait for many more years(frustrating!).

Yes But There Are 101k Unused Visa Numbers From Previous Years Like 1999 And 2000 Other Than This 130 K From 2001 To 2004 Which Will Be Available To All Eb Categories And Beneficial People Will Be Eb3 As Eb2 And Eb1 Are Current Right Now
That would be great but I don't think I see such re-use of previous year's unused visas information in most known immigration sites. Let's hope this may initiated by some senator!

Please allocate your little time to make aware EB-3 retrogression, possible H-1 inclusion in H-5 bill and other issues to Senators and Congressman:

Thread discussing new visa, H-5A and H-5B -- New Bill and possible inclusion of H-1B

Senators/Congressmen sponsoring H5 Bill:
1.Senator McCain

2.Senator Ted Kennedy

3.Congressman Luis Gutierrez

4.Congressman Jeff Flake

5.Congressman Jim Kolbe -- accepts messages only if you are
from 8th district of Arizona.
Immigration subcomm list:

Search each senator name into google and you will find link of that senator's homepage. Find "contact" link from homepage where you can send email to senator. Most of senator's homepage don't provide email address but there is email form which you can fill and send.

For email format, please check page 2 of this thread.,

Here is a link which will give you contact of Senator in each state:

Here is another link from the AILA for congressmen:
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End of Retro.. if both we and EMPLOYERS try


We all know that we are (Tech Guys) in big trouble. So let us STOP predicting what could happen by just sitting. We have to give our best shot and we will win.

Oneside we have to try ourself and otherside we have to get support from our EMPLOYERS. In present situation without EMPLYERS support it is very difficult ot win.

Please talk to your EMPLOYERS and ask them to send letters/email to Congress.

Guys what you think..