Really need a attorney while going for interview?


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My company director is asking me whether
I need to have a attorney representing me while going for an interview to a LA local office ? Mine is a straight forward case, same company,same job title and same salary (may be little high)...Local office people asked me to bring
1) Copy of I-140 package
2) Copy of my labor cert package
3) Evidence of employer's ability to pay your wages such as
Tax rtns,annual reports, forms DE-3/DE-6,financial statements and
my W-2 forms
4) I-864 affadavit of support

If my company provides all the above info in a sealed cover does it matter if go to interview with my wife and with out ATTORNEY ?

Is it really matters the presence of ATTORNEY ?

Please advise.

Thank you verymuch inadvance for your help friends.

Is your I-140 approved?

krupakar said:

My company director is asking me whether
I need to have a attorney representing me while going for an interview to a LA local office ? Mine is a straight forward case, same company,same job title and same salary (may be little high)...Local office people asked me to bring
1) Copy of I-140 package
2) Copy of my labor cert package
3) Evidence of employer's ability to pay your wages such as
Tax rtns,annual reports, forms DE-3/DE-6,financial statements and
my W-2 forms
4) I-864 affadavit of support

If my company provides all the above info in a sealed cover does it matter if go to interview with my wife and with out ATTORNEY ?

Is it really matters the presence of ATTORNEY ?

Please advise.

Thank you verymuch inadvance for your help friends.


Is your I-140 approved?
Why are they asking for........

krupakar said:
Yes, My I-140 approved in Nov'2004.

Then why they are as asking for ???????

1) Copy of I-140 package
2) Copy of my labor cert package
3) Evidence of employer's ability to pay your wages such as

Ridiculous...Do you ahve any clue.....
I don't have any clue ..They sent me a check list along with interview letter and it has all the documents listed they are expecting me to bring in....
My director is not willing to pay for attorney unless it's a do or die situation...
Hopefully i may go there without attorney..will see.....
thanks for your response....
K' :)
My attorney had said that IF I wanted, their office could provide me with a lawyer going to the interview. It didn't sound like a must-do.