re: Religious Worker sunset -- What about pending AOS?


Registered Users (C)
I have a pending AOS that's based on an approved I-360 (Religious worker petition).
All pending AOS cases in this category must be approved before the 9/30/2003 sunset date.
How is INS going to approach the issue?

I am a little nervous.
re: SEPTEMBER 30 SUNSET (AOS based on Religious Worker petition)

Any constructive information out there?

For your information, the CSC has currently only approx. 500 of these kind of cases pending.

As you know, 500 cases are a drop in the bucket. Therefore, blameshifting is not appropriate.

Does anyone know anything about how CSC proceeded in the past? How did they deal with the deadline in the past?

your case is an unsual one here, not many people would know about the Religious Worker sunset thing, but if there are only 500 such applicants than BCIS may be in a position ot approve it by the sept timeline.

and about the blameshifting, I don't think MygcWaiter was trying to blame anyone, but was just stating that CSC might be busy with other stuff which is causing 485 delays for employment based applicants. Folks here try and guess every now and then abotu what CSC mightbe working on. We all are here to help each other and it wouldn't be to anyone's advantage to play blame games. Hope we all can help each other in going through this painful wait.

From what I have read the BCIS is mandated( let me change it to requested) to clear these cases before September. I would suggest you send an email or a fax to CSC explaining your status and get it expedited. This is your best bet. Good luck . If you are a religious worker. guess you should be more understanding to the general mood out here.God Bless you and good luck
Message from god

Your Application for sunset on 9/30/2003 was received on November 21, 2001. We mailed you a receipt with information about processing. It is taking between 975 and 999 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete.
R program sunset

First of all there is nothing to be nervous of in your case as regards to the sunset date for the R visa.Specifically, the sunset issue pertains to the abuses committed by non-ministerial R visa holders who find R visa as the surest if not the shortest way to get a greencard.There were abuses on this R visa lately and you can view this at:
Moreover, the Religious worker program also known as Mother Teresa Bill/Program has been extended in the past.The news of its sunset is not new anymore.Since you have an approved I-360 and you can file on your own for an AOS,your AOS won't be affected at all.Even as we assume that the program has been closed,you're already in the AOS status and therefore invalidates your previous R visa.
As regards the BCIS not going to touch your application,assuming that the Sept '04 comes(sunset date), that is just a product of your own fear.
Thank you for your replies.

Noginoypi, according to the INA the AOS is not a "sure" thing beyond the 9/30 date.

Fear is not the issue :)

Thanks, again.
The BCIS is capable of a lot of unpredictable things so I wouldn't put it past them. However I can't imagine them dumping all pending, paid for, AOS applications because they haven't been approved by a specific date.

Like noginoypi i've also heard of the R visa sunset date due to abuses of the system but haven't heard anything about AOS cases based on I-360's being killed once 9/30 rolls around.

Is this something your attorney told you ttam?
Was there an official BCIS ruling on this?
Ok, I found the following quote on another site. It doesn't offer any solutions but may help clarify the situation. Hopefully it will be extended another 3 years!!

Current law for special immigration for religious workers other than "minister" will sunset on September 30, 2003. However, people will notice that the processing times for I-360 for this special immigrant petition has been increasingly experiencing delays. Additionally, I-485 adjudication at the Service Centers still takes about one year. Apparently, the one-step filing for I-140/I-485 will not include I-360. Since the religious workers should obtain I-485 approval before October 1, 2003, they may face a problem unless the I-360 petition is filed as promptly as possible.
* This special provision has been extended every 3-year. It is one thing that there is a likelyhood that the law may be extended again, and it is the other that one may be able to adjust the status even after 09/30/2003.
Thanks for your replies.

Yes, my attorney contacted me regarding the pending Religious worker sunset. I also double checked with a couple of other immigration attorneys to be sure. They all affirmed the pending sunset date. All AOS cases must be approved prior to 9/30/03.

I don't know if this is considered an extenuating circumstance.

What is the proper procedure for doing an inquiry at the CSC?