Re-Entry Permit - Clarifications

Your son can be admitted to the US solely based on his green card. He does not need his passport to be admitted to the US. He will probably need his passport to exit your country of origin, though.

Does it take more than one year to obtain a passport in your country? Maybe there is some other way? My country issues passports in about 6 to 7 months (if applied through the embassy in Washington DC), but they will issue a temporary one within two to three weeks, and you can still keep your old passport (invalidated however). If I were to fly to my home country to apply there I would get the passport in 10 business days.

For being admitted to this country you definitely need a passport AND a green card. It takes less than a year to get a passport in my home country, but it takes time and we are not planning to stay there for that time. As a matter of fact, my son goes to school in the US, and his passport expires next April. The consulate and embassy is so corrupted, that it takes also a long time and money( which I do not want to pay - one of the reasons I left my country is a huge corruption out there) and all the pleasures which you, probably, have never experienced. Imagine, you need to do anything with Russian bureaucracy( I'm not from Russia, it's a good example, though).

Your son does NOT need passport to enter US. He can enter based on his GC. But to leave your home country, you would need one.

I can understand the pain of renewing the passport. But in your case, this may be the last time you would be doing. Once renewed, you may end up getting citizenship for your son. (after what you told about your expereicne with your home country).
You definitely don't need a passport to re-enter the US if you have a GC on you

twit said:
For being admitted to this country you definitely need a passport AND a green card.
I beg to disagree here. According to CFR8 Sec. 211.2(a)(2):
(a) A passport valid for the bearer's entry into a foreign country at least 60 days beyond the expiration date of his or her immigrant visa shall be presented by each immigrant except an immigrant who:
(2) Is entering under the provisions of Sec. 211.1(a)(2) through (a)(7);

And CFR8 Sec. 211.1(a)(2) says:
(a) General. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, each arriving alien applying for admission (or boarding the vessel or aircraft on which he or she arrives) into the United States for lawful permanent residence, or as a lawful permanent resident returning to an unrelinquished lawful permanent residence in the United States, shall present one of the following:
(2) A valid, unexpired Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, if seeking readmission after a temporary absence of less than 1 year(...)

Moreover, CFR8 Sec. 211.2(a)(1) refers specifically to your situation:
(a) A passport valid for the bearer's entry into a foreign country at least 60 days beyond the expiration date of his or her immigrant visa shall be presented by each immigrant except an immigrant who:
(1) Is the parent, spouse, or unmarried son or daughter of a United States citizen or of an alien lawful permanent resident of the United States;

twit said:
Imagine, you need to do anything with Russian bureaucracy( I'm not from Russia, it's a good example, though).
I can relate to that :) I am not from Russia, either, but my country borders Russia, so I have pretty good knowledge of that kind of bureaucracy and corruption...

Thanks, everybody, for concern. I didn't know about entering the country with only GC. But the real problem is actually leaving home country - that's true. I'll get the citizenship the second it's available :), but, unfortunately, we both have to wait another 3 years( at least I do, my son is only 10). And I do want to visit my parents and spend some time back in place where I was born.
So does anybody know about the timetable of getting re-entry in different states?
Eltoro, I have a strong suspicion, we could be compatriots :)))

ReP is required only if you are going to be away for more than a year but less than 2 years. If you are not going to be away for more than a year then why do you need it?

Does it mean that eveyone leaving US should file ReP and go just in case the plans abroad may change?
re-entry permit


as I explained in my previous posts I need ReP INSTEAD of the original home passport - I'm not planning to stay anywhere more than a month, but, even if you can enter the US only with GC, you definetely need a passport for all other countries - my home one included.
So, PLEASE, does anybody know the waiting time for ReP in different states?
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re-entry permit

Thanks everybody,
looks like it's better not to go anywhere :)
Or to pay a bribe in the consulate, to get the passport. O-O-Ops!
Thanks JoeF. That clarifies the point why twit was looking for ReP in lieu of passport. It could be possible in twit's country. I am not sure if India would allow me to board a plane without passport just by showing ReP and my GC.

Avalon, it's possible in almost every country - that's why it's called "white passport"( it's actually grayish), so don't be so haughty. I do not think that India is so superior to European countries, not to acknowledge "white passport", as does almost the entire world.
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