Re entry permit and future citizenship


Registered Users (C)
It has been two years since I got my green card. I need to go to Canada for two years for a job purpose starting this summer. I will apply for REP before I leave. I am just wondering if I can come back to US for a visit for every 6 months? At port of entry, how should I explain time for spending out of US each time? Do I have to tell them I applied for REP and have a temporary job abroad?

If so, am I eligible for applying for citizenship one year after I move back to US? The requirement for citizenship is that you have to live within US for 30 months out of 5 years and any abroad trip is not over 6 months. I am not sure if coming back to US every 6 months will help me maintain the continuous residence for citizenship.

Thanks in advance for your advices and opinions!
luk12 said:
It has been two years since I got my green card. I need to go to Canada for two years for a job purpose starting this summer. I will apply for REP before I leave. I am just wondering if I can come back to US for a visit for every 6 months? At port of entry, how should I explain time for spending out of US each time? Do I have to tell them I applied for REP and have a temporary job abroad?

If so, am I eligible for applying for citizenship one year after I move back to US? The requirement for citizenship is that you have to live within US for 30 months out of 5 years and any abroad trip is not over 6 months. I am not sure if coming back to US every 6 months will help me maintain the continuous residence for citizenship.

Thanks in advance for your advices and opinions!
luk12 said:
At port of entry, how should I explain time for spending out of US each time? Do I have to tell them I applied for REP and have a temporary job abroad?
Yes, explaining that it was a temporary move should be enough. You might be asked to prove with a letter from employer saying that it is a temporary offer. Legally you are good, but some nasty immigration official can cause some head aches. But, that's immigration. If you have done every thing legally correctly and have sufficient documentation to back you, then you will win in the end.

If so, am I eligible for applying for citizenship one year after I move back to US? I am not sure if coming back to US every 6 months will help me maintain the continuous residence for citizenship.
As i said above, all you need is ability to prove that you have not abandoned this country and took permanent residency in other country. As long you can prove that, then visiting US in every 6 months will legally maintain your continuous residency requirement. Once again, there is always a possibility of you being grilled on why you came here every six months just for maitaining residency status. It all comes down to how strong your back up documentation is. If that is good, then don't worry. Come here every 6 months to maintain the continuous residency requirement.