Re-entry into US following Per.Resi.Stamp in Passport without a GC


Registered Users (C)
I had a successful IV interview at Chennai on 12/16/03 and returned to US on 12/21/03 with the stamp in my passport as Permanent Resident with out any problems. I need to go back to India again on 12/23/03 to attend an important family matter. Since I do not have a GC yet, what documents do I need to carry with me for re-entry? I would appreciate your advice.

I would like to personally thank each and everybody on this web site for their advice and guidance.

Originally posted by RaviRR_2003.
I had a successful IV interview at Chennai on 12/16/03 and returned to US on 12/21/03 with the stamp in my passport as Permanent Resident with out any problems. I need to go back to India again on 12/23/03 to attend an important family matter. Since I do not have a GC yet, what documents do I need to carry with me for re-entry? I would appreciate your advice.

I would like to personally thank each and everybody on this web site for their advice and guidance.


The officials at Indian airports and here in US are familiar with
the 551 stamp in the Passport and the passport is the only
document you need to show.

The stamp in your passport is nothing but the PR. The only difference is that when you get the PR card they combine the photo ID and the PR stamp in your passport. So go ahead and complete your trip.