Re: Approval Notice


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone:

Finally, my GC got approved yesterday. Details are as follows:
Priority Date:Sept 28th 1998
Notice Date: Oct 26th 1999
FP Date: Feb 28th 1998

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Thank you. I used the attached excel sheet to determine how many days have past form the notice date. May be it help.

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I hope you are EB3 from your ID.
Did you get any RFE.
I am just 500 days waiting!
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Thank you. I used the attached excel sheet to determine how many days have past form the notice date. May be it help.

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Hi How did you come to know about the approval.
AVM lawyer or you called the IIO. Pls update us.
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Hi - can you please post your first few eac numbers? how did you find out? did AVM change? thanks!
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My approval date was 6/12/2001. I received a curtesy copy and the lawyer received the original. I am going tomorrow for stamping. There is no need for the original for stamping. You can get the original at a later date.
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My first EAC #s are EAC-00-018-5

The AVM did not change yet.

I got the curtesy copy as I mentioned in 1.1.1