Rd3/99 Nd4/99 App7/11/00

goga kamikadze

Registered Users (C)
First part:

Ok, it\'s my turn. Just couple days ago I was expressing
deep pessimism and suspision about 485 processing at VSC.
Yesterday phone message changed to tell me that case has

The truth is here: VSC is randomly taking cases for approval
to show good performance for the next election. The
goal is as simple as it can be: the VSC director and its
top management do not want to lose their positions
when the new President\'s Administration will be evaluating
the performance of departments and services. That is why
the VSC wants to show itself in good standing. What is does is
grabbing random ready-togo cases they can find on the shelf,
while leaving a huge pile of similar cases behind.

It is also true that VSC has not invented this reporting trick.
they had borrowed what first had appeared in TSC, I believe.

Part two.

Brothers and sisters; I am preaching to you:
let us not forget the suffering and desperation
which we are experiencing or have been through together.

The mental torture of waiting for our fate to be decided
is unbearable. No emotional pain can compare to it.
Only imprisonment and slavery could be put near
the frustration we are experiencing when dealing with INS.

We shall always rememeber : the pain of indefinite
waiting is not incured by particular people like INS
employees but by the Evil Immigration Machine.

If it was INS employees we would forgive and forget them;
but it is an Evil Machine - it must be changed and improved even if
that would mean destroying and building a new one using legal
law-making process. For the people who come here by
our footsteps shall bear less pain than we do.

Do what you heart feels is right. I suggest you look on
Immigrant Support Network (www.isn.org) and consider
a contribution.

Brothers and sisters: I pray for you; I believe your
day of freedom is coming; I am doing what I can for
it to come.
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Cut the crap. When you say that you were not convinced upon hearing about your case approval, it is a bit extreme.
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goga kamikadze,

Prezhde vsego, pozdravliayu s polucheniem GC!

Kakovy podrobnosti vashego dela, t.e. RD/ND, EB1/2/3/? Moy RD/ND: 03/17/99 i 04/05/99. Nadeyus, chto budet i na moyey ulitse prazdnik.

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Spasibo, buba!!!
Podrobnosti: RD 03/23/99, ND 04/20/99, EB2, FB 02/20/00.
Geographic: Albany/Troy/Schenecrady, NY.

Check your voice message at INS each day!!! Mine has changed
around 6 pm. I called at 5pm, it was "Your application has been
received on...." , then on 7pm it became "Your case has
been approved...".
I did call VSC officer (IIO) in voice on Monday 07/10/2000
and made a 15 min talk in \'pardon-my-French\'
style! I don\'t know if that helped. If _that_ was what it
took, then the whole situation infuriates me even more!!!

Takie dela. :(

Vi sami otkuda?

Bog v pomosch\', poka! Pishite, esli chto, na pohuju28@yahoo.com.