RD Sept 01 Approoooooved !!!


New Member
RD Sept 21/01 Approved !!!

I visit this site frequently although this is my first post.
I saw a case that is very close to mine, so gave it a try.
Guess what ==> Approooooooooooved as per AVM.

Good luck to everyone !!!
Looks like it's finally happening.....

Well, looks like the Sep approvals are for real now. I was skeptical so far, Go VSC Go......
Congrats jj_gc. Thanks for updating rupnet.

Enjoy the freedom and post your stamping experience for the benefit of others.


Congrats and thanks for your post which brings hopes to lot of people.
Hope full-fledged Sept approvals starts now.



Clearly, multiple groups process each batch of cases. Early cases of each bath are always with a slow goup.

Future folk should file I485 case in late month. I expect my case to be the last one to be processed in this batch although my RD is the earliest one.

good luck to all.
Exciting news

CAn we get the ND and other details. This is cheering news. Go VSC Go. Actually they have been good except we don't have patience. Hope Greaty-K also gets his soon.