RD SEP '01 still waiting - is there anything at all we can do?


Registered Users (C)
RD : 09/06
ND : 11/08
FP : 05/17

no word yet... november is over in 3 days... is there anything at all we can do to find out what is soooooooooo wrong???

what is procedure to approach a senator or congressman?

Thanks in advance.
sorry, instead of reply, i accidentally posted a new thread!!!

well, called IIOs but nothing happened!
i am afraid there's not much you can do but wait. all of us LEGAL immigrants pay taxes and contribute to the economy and society. we have no voting power. I know there are exceptional cases when senators or congressmen step in to help out us immigrants, but most likely, i doubt they will bother to spend time on us. we do not have voting power. why would they care what happens to us. sad to say but true. by the time we are eligible to become citizens, those people in office now will be done with their terms.

democracy is a great thing, but unfortunately we without the power to vote have no say. pay the taxes and just wait. it will come soon.

I am sorry to hear that your case has taken so long! I would think that going through senarors of your state could benefit you since the case would be tracked by them. I hear from this thread there are concerns about the interest the senators would take in a non-immigrant's case. I do not think this is true - you are a resident and you pay taxes. They have responded in case of my brother's case one year ago - and helped get the case assigned/approved. Look in the web-site congress.org and find the name and email address of the senator. Draft a fine email and ask for help - send it to him/her and they will reply to you by postal mail (not email). They will in all probability help you. If this does not work then contact an American friend in your state (office colleague?) and reqest him/her to send an email to the senator on your behalf. Then the senator has to act and send him/her a reply. Also search the archives with the work "senator".

My Rd is Oct 1, 2001 and my case has not been assigned even though IIO says that they are working on Oct cases. That does not look right. I am preparing to contact the senators if the case is not assigned in the next 3 weeks.

Best of luck.
called IIO

Call IIO last Friday, he told me my case is pending, and process can take 30-150days. What's that pending mean? Are they working on my case? I thought it's only take couple of minutes for every case...
Don't know when is the end...

I have 09/10 RD. I just spoke with iio. Like always they say different things at different times. I realized that calling INS is waste of time and money,unless you want to confirm your address change etc. This time they told me that my case is penidng. She was saying they are tryng to run the background checks. I thought that is why you need to get the FP. But I get the impression that they are going to be some security checks on all applicants(or some specific). And the result is more delays. They are still doing the cases that were received on or before 10/01. That is what she said. My EAD will expire in Jan 2003. That stupid BOSTON ins office stopped issuing EAD's in last monday and tuesday(on same day). I went there on Tuesday. Now these idiots changed the minds and issuing the same day.
If I do not get my EAD before January I am dead meat.
walk in

Walk into INS and ask for EAD, since they can issue it the same day. Somtimes have to insiste asking, I visited INS before, they even won't let me in, I insisted want to check information, they finally let me in.
BTW, I heard FP only valid for one year, mine one is due next Feb, hope can heard some news by that time