RD-March26th\'01 finally approved


Registered Users (C)
I called the INS at around 5pm yesterday evening and heard the AVM message that my application for permanent resident status had been approved on 30th Jan and the papers have been sent to me by mail. I checked the messages for my huband and daughter and they too had been approved.

All along the messages I had got for my husband and myself were "Your 485 has been received on 26th March\'01 xxxxxxx" and for my daughter who is a minor the message was "Case not found".

I never called an IIO officer and only started checking this site when colleague of mine mentioned it last month. So you see guys, VSC is finally moving. I am sure all of you will hear the \'approved message\' very soon. It took me 19 months to get my gc from the date I first met my attorney. I filed in the EB2/RIR category.

Thanks Mr. Khanna for a great site.
Congratulations ...

You are lucky .. Your whole process was done in 19 months .. People like me are waiting from 1997 to get GC approved.. Still waiting to hear "Approved" words ... Best of Luck in your Future endeavors ...
Thanks lak69

Thanks lak69. I did not change my company or address in the time that it took to get my gc and maybe that helped. I also went through all the forms my attorney sent VSC and kept a copy of all the correspondence and forms to make sure that there were no mistakes. In fact before I filed for my gc, when my company was looking out for more people, I got them to advertise and kept a copy of the advertisement so that I could file for RIR.

I am sure you will hear the approved words soon. You have come almost to the end of your wait and it will not be much longer.

Thanks again and all the best in your future endeavours too!
No BayofB, my I-140 was not for CP.

No BayofB, my I-140 was not for CP. I came to this country as a B1 visa(tourist)in 1999, applied for a job(got 3 offers, chose 1..the economy was booming in 1999) got my B1 converted to an H1 and six months after the H1, I stated my gc processing. I never left the country even though I had applied for AP and got it, my attorney had advised me not to. They say things are faster with CP but I just decided to get it done here and keep the faith.