RD 9/17/01 approved !!! mailed EAD renewal yesterday !


Registered Users (C)
thanks for 485nh for the info about the INS website. I checked the website right away, and guess what, mine and my wife's cases were approved yesterday !

Also called INS and confirmed from the voice message !!!!!!!!!!!

But, I mailed my EAD renewal only yesterday through UPS express, ghosh,...maybe I will cancel the checks ?

Thanks for this website and so many kind-minded people.......i will still stick around and help others...updated Rupnet.

July16, you are always there to congrats when there is an approval... thank you so much...wish you best of luck before and after your approval.
congrats syj!

we're in the same boat! i got approved the day I mailed the renewal.

r u actually planning to put stop payment on the checks? the bank would normally charge $20 or so for that service, and INS would charge $30 (how would they collect it?) for a bounced check (according to EAD application doc).

let me know if you find more info on whether INS would refund you the fee. i've been trying to call IIO, but I can't find enough time to hold to speak to one. I will let you know as well.

good luck for your future.
ramukv, i will let u know

Each time I tried to call INS, my phone went through ! so I probably will call them so, and let you know in this thread if it is within a few days, or post a new thread if after that...please let me know what you find also...
I second that re: July16. Your time's a-coming.
Syj, what a great way to instantiate the status check object,
and see your case approved.

Man, that's sad. I was going to say "initialize" the check status.
I'm "becoming". The process has started.

'been meaning to reply to your post. How does it feel?
It was a little bit of anticlimax, although it's starting to
feel better now. To be honest, I have worried more about
my health recently. Actually, my blood pressure is down.
I checked today. It's prolly a combination of relief,
Chicken (Beta) blockers, stopping smoking and stopping
drinking. LOL. On Friday night, I couldn't sleep. Came back
into office to call parents in UKsville.
Ended up playing Tetris until 3am. Just spaced out.
Anyway, it's starting to feel real now. It does feel good,
but it hasn't been an epiphany or anything like that.
Actually, one major difference. I can be candid as ****
with my manager. I don't just call a spade a spade, I
call it a ******g shovel!! Which appears to be a good.
We just had a meeting with a snr Infy guy and he
"appreciated" my candour. ;-)

Enna mamma!

I've just switch gears into complaining about being a
2nd class citizen... :) Can we get social security?
BTW, whoever posted that "indians have bangles"
troll - well, that was the lamest troll ever. Sad. Very sad.

485nh - thanks for discovering the online check.
Your name will forever be associated with it.
Well, with this batch of 485ers!