RD:7/25/01,FP:12/12/01, AVM message didn\'t change from FP Collected TO PRocessing Resumed..Need hel


Registered Users (C)
Need your help on this one.
AVM for my EAC# still reads as " FP collected on dec\'19,Pending review" where as many of friends who have done FP at the same time AVM reads as " processing resumed"...why is this delay in my case and couple of other cases who responded when I first posted this message..fall on the same day i.e FP:12/12/01 and same place Boston for them also message says " FP collected on Dec\'19 pennding review ".

I called the FBI they say that my FP\'s were processed and the results were sent to INS on the same day (12/12/01).

When we call the INS direct AVM..do we have to enter EAC# or the Alien number...please help...

I emailed my lawyer today she was going to talk to an IIO to see what\'s going on with my case.Does it make a difference If we call or our lawyer calls the INS any special treatment for Lawyer\'s....

Please help..Sorry I couldn\'t make the message any shorter..
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same message for my case also. FP on 13th of Dec. and received on 19th. It still says fp received on 19th dec. and pending review.
Nothing to worry guys..My case is approved 3/20/01

My case is approved without even hearing the " Processing Resumed" AVM Message........

So I think that is just a Glitch in the AVM which didn\'t update the info for the Dec\'12 - Dec\'19 FP Guys.......

Your\'s is next ...you will directly listen those magic words "case approved".
Yes for me too.. Did FP in the first week of Dec 2001.

Collected on Dec 19...bla bla bla

I think they forgot to update one batch of FPs collected on Dec 19th.

Nothing to worry