RD - 11/13/2001 - Guess what?!!!! - Aproooooooooooooooooooooooooooved!!


Registered Users (C)

My has been approved on March 14, 2003!!!!!!!!!!
My wife's case status is not chaged yet. It still says ' received FingerPrints blah blah..'.

This morning after coming to Newyork, to do my consulting Job, which I was doing for the past 3.5 years, I opened NYTimes.com. Came to know that 'War' is certain. I was worrying about my contract as there are so many people getting layed off at my work place. I casually opened 'OnLine case status thing', just punched my LIN number and found the aprroved message!! I still can't believe this. I re-did 5-6 times. It always showed the 'approved' message. So then I was cetrain that my case is aprroved, with out RFE!!!!

Here are my details.

LIN: 02049*****
RD: 11-13-2001
ND: 11-23-2001
FP: 04-05-2002
i140 approved for CP, I was told that my 140 file is in Chennai-India. This was the only 'worrysome' thing in my case.

Really guys, this site is wonderful. I did post some messages on this forum. But I was mostly a silent spectator for this forum. Hang in there guys. You will all get this kind of good news soon.

God bless America.

Jai Shree Ram.


Congrats!!! My dates are close to yours...Nice to see these approvals, keep them coming. May God Bless us all who are waiting and help us all to get approved soon..
Just curious YLM_GUY..is your runpnet handle srini? Also, did u use your ead at anytime or are you on h1 still...?
greenpeace, yes it is srini on rupnet...


It is 'Srini' on rupnet. I am still on H1 with 1.5 years still left for the 'six' year barrier. I have EAD (renewed once). But I never had a chance to use it.
