Rd 10/2000 ,nd 11/2000 No Fp Notice Yet


Registered Users (C)
Hi ,

I have not received FP notice yet .My RD date is 10/2000 and ND is 11/2000.
I have tried alll the thinks that i can think of such as :

1)called the IIO at least 3 times for FP
2)send CSC a letter and received reply , saying that application is pending
3)Visited San jose INS , they said application is pending.

I am really worried and dont know what i should be doing to get my FP
notice .Please if anybody has suggestions you are most welcome to let me know .

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Same with me.. RD 9/29/00 ND 10/17/00 still no FP for me and my wife. I\'ve tried calling several times as well. Received a status sent by one of the IIOs stating it is in the fingerprinting shelf. What type of letter did you send? I sent one using the form as suggested in one the \'experiences\' in ciba\'s website last Saturday. Hopefully I can have a favorable response soon.
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If you have changed the address after applying for I-485 and have not informed INS about it then there is a great chance that it has gone to your old address.