RD 1/22/01 and ND 2/1/01 - Just Spoke to an IIO


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I spoke to a very rude IIO this morning.
She told me, my case is with an officer and he has not taken any decision yet.
She also told me some other officers have started processing Mar-01 cases.
It seems it totally depends on the officer to whom your case is assigned.
Some time you papers may land in the hands of a slow moving tortise or a fast moving rabbit, in a real sense.
It solely depends on luck.
Hence all Jan and Feb filers not approved yet, consider it is a time to relax and take a deep breath until you hear from INS.
Thoughts and other expereinces are welcome. Kindly share info, if you have spoken with an IIO recently and your dates are similar as mine.
Count on me Rd 1/10/01 Nd 1/18/01.

Yeserday was the fourth time me talking to IIO to check my
status. Each time I get routine answer check back after 30 days.
I asked to tell me whether or not my case assigned to officer.
All four times they replied they don\'t have that info and they are
unable to tell.
How come to me they are not even telling me whether or not
my case has been assigned to officer.
Any ideas how to talk with IIO to get more info ???
I appreciate.
Its really tough to get the details from the them..

Its always better to approach through lawyer....Lawyer who has the key whether you get GC or not....