RD - 06/12 Case Transferred to San Fransisco Office to schedule an interview


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Hi, Just heard in the AVM that my case has been transferred to San Fransisco for an interview. I\'m real nervous about it. I have changed jobs using the 180 day rule but in the same job classification. Should I contact an attorney for this to go for the interview? Should I call the IIO to ask why it was transferred?
Any inputs would be welcome. Thanks
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I guess after the transfer, the local INS will schedule an interview and may send you as well as attorney, the notice. So till you recieve such notice, it is better to wait or you can contact attorney after 10 or 15 days. No need to hurry up. Just be happy. It may be just one more month.
Does it make sense to ask the IIO why it was transferred?

Do any of you know possible reasons for a transfer?
Did you moved to San Fransisco for your new job ?

Did your lawyer informed INS that you changed the jobs ?
If so, I guess that made IIS to transfer to current local INS office.
If INS was informed of job change, basically they issue RFE, becos these days INS is issuing RFEs left and right even if there is slight deviation from straight forward case .

I case you are better off with interview than RFE, bcos it won\'t waste much time and interview basically they confirms about your employment . I think there is no need for you to worry ..

Anyway what\'s you RD, ND, FP, state , category ..

Good luck for your interview
May be local INS is faster, thats why.

Some time back I had read that VSC was transferring cases of Baltimore, MD residents to local INS offices. VSC was doing so because VSC was heavily backlogged and local Baltimore office was not. You can research about it on immigration.com or murthy.com chat (I dont know the exact link).

Maybe thats the case with you as well. There is no particular reason/pattern for local transfers.

RD 10/19, ND 11/30, Waiting for FP in Cincinnati, OH.
Even my spouse case was Transfered to Local INS on 04/04

Its seems most of the June filers are either getting RFE or Transfers.
Folks with Local transfers -Is there anything unusual in your Case??

I changed jobs 260 after filing 485. I do not know if that is the reason why my case got transferred.
There was nothing unusual with our case

I am surprised that I got approved and my wife\'s case was transfered.
Did you inform INS of job chnage???

How did you start working for new company..using H1 or EAD???
PermRes1, Did you inform INS of job chnage???

How did you start working for new company..using H1 or EAD???
Same case Here...Case Xfered on 04/15.

I-485 Case transfered to SFO from Vermont.
I had DUI conviction and address change....anything could be the reason

Let use one thread for all the Transfer relation informaion. There is a thread \'Folks with Local Transfer\', please use that so all the information will be at one place