RD 03/00-04/00 Please add your entry here.


Registered Users (C)
In Immitracker, so many cases with RD 03/00-04/00 are still pending.
If you could add your entry here, we can make a analysis as how many
cases are still pending of that period.
BTW, most cases of 08/99-09/99 have been approved. So, we may
conclude that Year 99 cases have been completed 98%.
Now, we want to determine how much % of 03/00-04/00 cases are over.
We want to know exact scenario for this period, beacuse NSC approved
about 60-70% pending I140s last year during these two months.
Use this format:
Thx for your info.
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Also, post RFEs. That may indicate why your cases are taking
this much time. Your cases should have been approved by now.
If we find lot of cases here in this period (03/00-04/00),
I can discuss this issue a friendly Senator here in Minnesota, a
If you have other ideas, please share. Also if you have done
anythig like calling INS, etc please post them too.
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RK EB2 RD(30/03/00) ND(15/04/00) FD(11/01/01) RFE (05/02/2001)
RFE Response (05/24/2001)

AVM still says (as of 10:11 PM CST on 07/08/2001), "On May 2nd we have mailed you a notice ..........."

My RFE was regarding Employment Letter.

I talked to officers twice and both mentioned that my response was received on June 6, 2001, but couldn\'t tell me why AVM did not update that info. yet. The last officer asked me to wait for 90 days.

I am seeing many cases that got approved recently (cases where RFE response was later than June 10th or so)

Well, I am still waitng .........
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Add me to your list
RD:4/6/2000(mm/dd/yyyy format used)
ND:5/10/2000(mm/dd/yyyy format used)
FP:1/23/2001(mm/dd/yyyy format used)
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When I talked to my lawyer couple of weeks ago, she said they got a letter from INS saying that they are not approving any cases for Indian and Chinese nationals \'til Oct. 01, 2001. I told her this morning that I have seen so many cases that got approved for Indian Nationals recently. She responded by saying "I don\'t care. We got this info. from INS".

She doesnot want to admit that something is not going right in my case. But she finally agreed that she would talk to an officer this Friday.

Lets see what happens.
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I wish I could. Company appointed....., Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy. Top firm in worst service in my opinion and based on my experience.
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According to the latest information INS is processing cases with RD anywhere from 11/99 to 08/2000. My RD is 04/01. Last when I talked with IIO, he said that my case has not been assigned to the officer and can go to the officer anytime. That was a month back. But still no luck...
Is there anything we can do to get the 04/01 cases processed- which are way overdue?
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RD04/01 and U 99,

First call INS and talk to IIOs again. Talk to them as often as
every week. Tell them your concerns and don\'t be afraid to ask
your rights.

If that\'s not working in next 3 weeks, on 1st August both of you
call Senator\'s office.

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I think we want to track 03/2000 to 04/2000 RD cases in this thread and not the ones filed in 2001.
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My RD is Apr24TH and ND is MAY17TH.I received RFE yesterday.My FP is Jan27th 2001 at Detroit.
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I did call INS 2 weeks ago, IIO told me that there is nothing wrong with my application and asked me to wait for another 2 months. Don\'t know what more to do!