Rcvd FP notice today! a few questions:


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it\'s scheduled on 3/12/02 at San Antonio, TX, the letter says do not come before the scheduled date, can I go earlier then? What time is the best time to go? Thanks.

My detail: RD 2/01, ND 3/01. EB2, TSC.
Also received FP notice yesterday, seems TSC is moving on FP issue

I have the same scheduled date as yours, 03/12 at San Antonio. I don\'t want to go before that date. I know one of my friends did go before the scheduled date because she was pregnant that time and the scheduled date was very close to her due date. I think you should follow the instruction unless you have a very good reason.

Another friend of mine also received his FP notice yesterday, his ND is in 01/2001.

My detail: RD 02/21/2001, ND 03/09/2001, FP scheduled 03/12/2002
Faxed TSC about FP issue on 01/14/02 and called them on 01/18/02, IIO said FP is scheduled by computer and she can not help me, blah, blah...

My friend who received FP yesterday never called or faxed TSC, so it\'s hard to say if calling or faxing helps.