RC_12,taka-digi did you guys hear anything about your approvals


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Hey 99 cases with approvals still pending after RFE.

rc_12 and others did you guys hear anything about your approvals.
Rc_12 : Any guesses why our cases are taking so long ???

No not yet... I am frustrated...

I think taka-digi\'s case got approved on August 10th. A couple of other RFE\'s pending for about 3 months got approved in the last week of August. Desktop got approved. You know my case details....

PD - 09/28/1998
RD - 10/04/1999
ND - 10/13/1999
FP - 03/08/2001
RFE for Employment Letter Issued by INS - 06/13/2001
RFE Recieved and Acknowledged by INS - 07/02/2001
It has been more than 70 days since the reciept of my RFE... It is almost close to 2 years now since the initial reciept of my I-485 application. No company name change, no mergers. Still Pending... I don\'t know why it is taking so long. It is very frustrating. I know of another guy Rajan Mani who is waiting on his RFE since June 16th.
Prince of Persia did you speak to an IIO recently... I think we are the unlucky lot, since people with Nov 2000 receipt dates are getting approved...
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Yes you are right.... This wait is taking its toll on us.
I did not talk to any IIO, because there is no point in talking to them.
However i am planning to send a e-mail/fax to Senator.
Are you from NJ ? Because in that case we can send a combined letter (i guess it will have more impact)
Frustrated? Don\'t even get me started :)

Unlike all of you guys, I haven\'t heard anything (i.e. no RFE either). Spoke to an IIO recently, but didn\'t get any more insight.

So, I\'ve been keeping a list of people who have posted here and are in a similar situation. I\'m going to try attaching it to this message and see if it works. The last time, I cut and paste into the message and the results were unreadable.
I am fustrated as well. This whole RFE thing suck

EB3, RD March 2000, RFE Recd by INS on the 6th of August.
Still waiting. I just pray and that is it.

Man, I am very sorry for you too. INS officers on the phone are of no help. I know you must be mad. I feel the pain.
Nope... I am from Sacramanto, CA

I am from Sacramento, CA, though my company is based in Pittsburgh, PA. I did fax and send a priority letter with my case attached to the senator. I sent it to my California senator who represents Califoria at Washington. You are supposed to send it to the senator of the state where you reside in. I reside in California, therefore i sent it to the California senator. I sent it in the last week of August. I also sent a letter to the INS in the last week of August, requesting them to expedite my case, as my case is 2 years old. I am expecting to hear something pretty soon. I believe you will recieve an acknowledgement from your senator\'s office
once the case has been assigned to an senator\'s representative. There are Senator\'s representatives who deal with federal agencies. So for Green Cards there will be a representive representing your State\'s Senator.
Out of Time...

This is rc_12. In your attachment i found under my name rc_12, that RFE1 was sent on 06/13/2001. I recieved only one RFE so far and have no plans of recieving a second RFE. Please update it as RFE instead of RFE1.
rc_12: RFE1 changed to RFE

You wrote "I have no plans of receiving a second RFE". That cracked me up (I hope that you were trying to be funny with that sentence :)

I will try to repost the file by editing the previous message.

Am I correct in assuming that you and gc_ss are the same entity?
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Have you heard anything from the Senator\'s oofice yet .
You mentioned that you wrote to his office in last week of August.
Usually after how much time does the Senator\'s office respond to your request .
I just e-mailed NJ\'s senator\'s office now. Lets see what happens.
I will let you know if i hear something from their office

I called the Senator\'s office...

I called the senator\'s office. They told me that we have to send a written mail or fax them a copy. I have not heard anything from the Senator\'s office so far. They said it usually takes 3 to 4 weeks for them to acknowledge.
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My Lawyer Called INS today and spoke to a nice person. IIO said she is going ask her supervisor to contact the adjudicator . Infact two weeks before my lawyer called and asked the same thing . But today by looking at my case IIO said no one has yet contacted adjudicator . IIO said,she will make sure this time some will contact the adjudicator to get the status. I hope atlest they will do something at this time.
This Spet 16, it is going to be three months after replying RFE. My lawyer is very helpful and he is going to call INS again on 20 th of this month, if it is not approved and if INS can\'t give any info he said he is going to contact AILA Liaison.

I din\'t call INS so far, because they are going to say same info like wait 30 days or etc.

Last week I spoke to a person in mY senator\'s office . She is very nice and listened all my case details. She asked me to send my I-485 receipt and said she will contact me as soon as she gets some info from INS.

My PD is Aug98 ND NOV. 1999 RFE response recived by INS was June 16 th.
My i-485 got approved on 8/10

My case got approved on the 10th of August. I have a detailed post on that at "taka-digi approved...."
i m in same boat

my status:

rfe recvd\'d by ins : 7/16/2001
still waiting....I am from NJ too...keep me posted on your senator
request.. i might follow it too ...
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I have e-mailed as well as sent a certified mail to Senator Corzine\'s office.
I don\'t know how will yesterdays events affect the Senator\'s office response.
But lets stay in touch and keep each other updated about our cases

RFE on (Biographic Information) G325 and Employment letter

Hi rfesucks,

I recieved RFE on G325A and Employment letter. Please provide me the whatever information you have sent to INS. Please can i get your personal email address or provide me the your phone number. I will contact you. my email address is money_ll@yahoo.com.
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thanks for your response....
my email adress is rfesucks@yahoo.com you could also keep in touch on that email address and also provide me your email so that we can be in touch ....
let\'s hope we come out of this soon ...

Good Luck ...