Rational Discussion: Going back to one's home country

tusharvk said:
now that's nice. when it comes to taking contributions all country citizens have to pay; but when it comes to giving back, only select countries' citizens are paid back even after all the other conditions are met.
Very convenient.
It is based on reciprocal agreements between the countries. If another country makes US citizens pay into that country's SS system, but doesn't pay back the US citizens in one form or another, the US does the same to that country's citizens.
I dont think they are going to shrink the list based on bankruptcy of SS.......as jackolantern stated.....it depends on reciprocity.....and a country being a rogue country.....(india does not have a SS neither they have a SS tax.....if my memory serves me right)

and i will like to restate that SS will not go bankrupt ever.....it will just be not able to meet all the commitments as per todays standard......and they do state that even today that how much we will get in future......(its very simple.....just change your calculation and tell people how less they will get.....there is no way i can argue with what benefits i am supposed to get right??......and that solves the problem of them not meeting their commitments :D)

so in other words....future retires will not expect much hence there is no question of them not being able to meet all their commitments....

if i am not wrong.....till today SS is in surplus........so i wont be surprised if there is a new legislation to plug the loopholes and make sure that everyone who pays into it gets some benefits...
What is the frequency, Kenneth?

For all of us who want to debate staying back / going back .. let me just say that our actions speak louder than our thoughts.

One size does not fit all -
Are you married?
Do you have kids?
Does your spouse work?
Is your family (or extended family) here?
Do you have an equivalent - or better - offer back 'home'?

Frankly, I do not see the purpose of this thread. May be it is just me.

Wo ich meine Huette haeng, das ist mir zu-Hause ..
(Home is where I hang my hat).
Well said.Dl1cd you are right on the point.Each of us have their own circumstances and have to be true to ourselves as to the decision we make.

Living in America should not be the ultimate goal as I see and not take over the other priorities in our life.

dl1cd said:
For all of us who want to debate staying back / going back .. let me just say that our actions speak louder than our thoughts.

One size does not fit all -
Are you married?
Do you have kids?
Does your spouse work?
Is your family (or extended family) here?
Do you have an equivalent - or better - offer back 'home'?

Frankly, I do not see the purpose of this thread. May be it is just me.

Wo ich meine Huette haeng, das ist mir zu-Hause ..
(Home is where I hang my hat).
pipedream said:
Thanks dude, I see it now. Gosh! I must have been daydreaming :) well, that's all I got to do... India is not one of those countries, on the other hand you're right, who knows when this list is going to shrink.

If you are from India read this section carefully

"If you are not a U.S. citizen or a citizen of one of the other countries listed above, your payments will stop after you have been outside the U.S. for six full calendar months unless you meet one of the following exceptions:


You are a citizen of one of the countries listed below, and the worker on whose record your benefits are based lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years or earned at least 40 credits under the U.S. Social Security system. If you are receiving benefits as a dependent or survivor, see additional requirements.

* Afghanistan
* Australia
* Bangladesh
* Bhutan
* Botswana
* Burma
* Burundi
* Cameroon
* Cape Verde
* Central African Rep.
* Chad
* China
* Congo, Rep. of
* Ethiopia
* Fiji
* Gambia
* Ghana
* Haiti
* Honduras
* India
* Indonesia
* Kenya
* Laos
* Lebanon
* Lesotho
* Liberia
* Madagascar
* Malawi
* Malaysia
* Mali
* Mauritania
* Mauritius
* Morocco
* Nepal
* Nigeria
* Pakistan
* St. Vincent & Grenadines
* Senegal
* Sierra Leone
* Singapore
* Solomon Islands
* Somalia
* South Africa
* Sri Lanka
* Sudan
* Swaziland
* Taiwan
* Tanzania
* Thailand
* Togo
* Tonga
* Tunisia
* Uganda
* Yemen

So citizens of India who have completed 10 years here or earned 40 credits are fine as long as SS is not bankrupt.
I have been wanting to say something similar.This thread is meant to discuss or debate whether to stay or move back and not discuss details on social security.

For most of us in retrogression we have been in US 5-6 years and continuing for as many years just for SS benefits seems more like a non-issue for me when I think about my career and family in the present.

unitednations said:
Just out of curiousity; why does everyone burn so much about collecting social security benefits. It seems to really bother everyone.

If you have to live on social security in your retirment years you are really in big trouble financially.

Americans don't consume much thought on this. Don't know why everyone has such a burning feeling about this.
unitednations said:
Just out of curiousity; why does everyone burn so much about collecting social security benefits. It seems to really bother everyone.

If you have to live on social security in your retirment years you are really in big trouble financially.

Americans don't consume much thought on this. Don't know why everyone has such a burning feeling about this.
i guess we dont see SS contribution just as another form of tax.........we think we are giving something to the Gov and they in turn are robbing us...

but if we compare taxes all over the world....usa's is much less.........i am sure india has a higher tax rate (when i mean tax...include everything...fed, state, county, Ss etc).....and no SS benefits.......
Anything can be an issue if you want it to be.

Well, it may not be an issue for most of the folks here, that's not to say it is a non-issue for everyone. It sure could be an issue for someone who is 45+ and is almost close to finishing 10 years of work in the US and is planning to leave back.

We understand that Americans don't care about SS benifits. Well, you don't care about something you're entitled and assured to get.

I see ppl discussing useful issues here all the time, on the other hand some nonsense is discussed as well. I don't think it is something stupid to discuss about SS benifits eligibility requirements.

BrainDrain said:
I have been wanting to say something similar.This thread is meant to discuss or debate whether to stay or move back and not discuss details on social security.

For most of us in retrogression we have been in US 5-6 years and continuing for as many years just for SS benefits seems more like a non-issue for me when I think about my career and family in the present.
pipedream said:
Well, it may not be an issue for most of the folks here, that's not to say it is a non-issue for everyone. It sure could be an issue for someone who is 45+ and is almost close to finishing 10 years of work in the US and is planning to leave back.

We understand that Americans don't care about SS benifits. Well, you don't care about something you're entitled and assured to get.

I see ppl discussing useful issues here all the time, on the other hand some nonsense is discussed as well. I don't think it is something stupid to discuss about SS benifits eligibility requirements.
i agree with you.......there is no harm in exploring, who knows we may find a loop-hole to get the benefits even if we are not in usa.......(just as an example....even $200/month (free money) can buy a lot, as of now, if you are in india )

if we dont find anything.......well....we will just end up a bit wiser
In India there is provident fund, gratuity and pension for most employees. It is all pretty generous and people can live comfortably in retirement.

you are funding into SS pool just to take care of elderly so that when you get old you can be taken care of. Nobody is robbing anyone else.

techy2468 said:
i guess we dont see SS contribution just as another form of tax.........we think we are giving something to the Gov and they in turn are robbing us...

but if we compare taxes all over the world....usa's is much less.........i am sure india has a higher tax rate (when i mean tax...include everything...fed, state, county, Ss etc).....and no SS benefits.......
tusharvk said:
In India there is provident fund, gratuity and pension for most employees. It is all pretty generous and people can live comfortably in retirement.

you are funding into SS pool just to take care of elderly so that when you get old you can be taken care of. Nobody is robbing anyone else.
if i remember correctly.........provident fund is like 401k.......its not mandatory like SS tax

and try to find out what happens to people in the private sector......they dont have any retirement plan offered by anyone.....

if u read carefully (which u shud do...before commenting...) i was trying to say....that people are thinking that SS is not a tax.....but a contribution.......and hence they feel robbed.........only if they start thinking about SS as another Tax levied by the government.....we will not question about its exact return value.....just like other taxes...

and maybe you were sleeping when all the debate is going on in usa since the last 10 years......about SS not being able to take care of the current generation when they get old.......because there wont be sufficient fund left..
unitednations said:
If you have to live on social security in your retirment years you are really in big trouble financially.
Even if you don't need SS to live on, the few hundred extra dollars a month is very valuable when you are old and not working. It can pay for prescription drugs, or property taxes, or buy a car, so you won't have to make other sacrifices to pay for those things.