Rare case - Please Read.


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm a new member on this forum. I have a very rare case (From what I see, there aren't any visas given to such cases, that I know of).

Ok, so here's the deal:
1) A US citizen (Not me) is starting a company, I am one of the co-founders.
2) I live in Israel, and of course, he lives in the U.S.A.
3) He is a college student, learning and graduating in Buisness management.
4) I am a High School Senior (Dropped-out due to a reason I would not list in here, but one thing is for sure: I'm interested in Finishing my education as well as go to college).

What do I need to do to get Permanent or Non-Permanent Visa as an employee or co-founder?

Any more details neccessary, please let me know.


Edit: I do have some knowledge of buisness management, through high school education.
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1. There is no restriction on being a co-founder. Anyone can own stock irrespective of residency/visa. However as a co-founder with significant stock - you may not be able to sponsor yourself for immigration.
2. However if you also want to work here for the company, that is trickier with the background you state - the usual H1B will require an undergrad. Some possibilities include:

If your company will invest capital - an investor visa
Be a co-founder and work in your home country and you can travel on business as needed
Ok, So I need to be at least an undergraduate (Is that a high school graduate?).
But can the main founder issue sponsorship to me?
What if the buisness is already doing well and has all the money neccessary?

About investing, is it a 1 time thing only?

"Home Country" Is not really the right term here. I was born in Ukraine, this is my real home. If I would have had the choice, I would have stayed there! And you can see from this statement that I'm not much of a person who wants to live in Israel.

But overall, if the only option for me to immigrate (On the above issues) is through an investment, then it shall be it.
Last question: Is it possible to make a non-immigrant visa for a duration of 5 years (Normal + Extensions) and then become a legal citizen? Or is it done only through Immigrant visa?

Although this won't really help me, as a non-immigrant visa will not allow me to work in America...

Could you suggest me what to do in my case? (Out of all the options, just 1 suggestion).

If it changes anything, It's a Game Development company.
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