Rapidigm was sued by its employees & Penalized by INS.

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IMP - FLASH NEWS -- Rapidigm was sued by its employees & Penalized by INS.

I learnt INS penalized Rapidigm recently for some huge amount of XXX $'s because Rapidigm forced its employees to take vacation while they are on the bench. This was back in 2001 and 2002'ish when they used to maintain unpaid bench. This time, INS instructed Rapidigm to compensate those employees who were affected and who were on unpaid bench. Now There may be few or more who may have been compensated due to this.

Does anyone have more information on this? If yes, Please do share on this thread. Also if anyone is or was benefited out of this, Share your knowledge. Take this as an opportunity to HELP other victims. You got to loose nothing.
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I've seen lot of threads about Rapidigm on this forum. If we post a poll for worst company I sure Rapidigm will win that contest.
How do u know this...??

How do u know about this..?? If any further hot news please do post it.
Re: IMP - FLASH NEWS -- Rapidigm was sued by its employees & Penalized by INS.

Originally posted by Jamesbond009
I learnt INS penalized Rapidigm recently for some huge amount of XXX $'s because Rapidigm forced its employees to take vacation while they are on the bench. AND this time, INS instructed Rapidigm to compensate those employees who were affected. Few may have been compensated.

Does anyone have more information on this? If yes, Please do share on this thread. Also if anyone was benefited out of this, share your knowledge. Take this as an opportunity to HELP other victims. You got to loose nothing.

Please provide us with the link to validate this posting.
One of my close friends was working in Rapidigm and they paid him on the bench. And 1 year back he left Rapidigm after getting gc to take a permanent offer.
I have seen lot of threads about this company earlier. Keep this thread alive. Find out from this site admin whether you can send e-mail to previous thread participants.
There will not be any credibility to this news until Jamesbond009 (his first post) provides a link, where he/she got this news from.
Will this be a problem to any guys who has applied gc thru this company? I mean any adverse effect, in the attitude of BCIS to this company cases?

Can we do a headcount

Of how many people on this forum are from Rapidigm . Can somebody set up a poll. Might prove useful if this news is true. I have heard stories about companies being pulled up by the Dept of Labor for firing people but this is the first ever by BCIS.
Also, I am under the impression that Rapidigm fires people rather than giving an extended bench.
I work for Rapidigm and I haven't heard any news as such and I have been with this company for 4 years and it is one of the better employers in consulting business, trust me. Firing on Bench, forcing employees to take vacation, I guess every one is doing due to the market, so can't pin point Rapidigm for this. My friend was laid off in bad market by Rapidigm in 2000 but they kept him for 6 weeks on bench and paid him full and while leaving paid all his vacation too.

Some of the good things about Rapidigm,
1. Excellent Legal Dept
2. Excellent Professionalism in handling consultants like taking care of relocation, 2 weeks rental car, 2 weeks hotel or if you need for longer time due to non availability of new apt you can extend till you find a new place, (how many employers provide this ?). 2 weeks Vacation(can carry over) , 5 sick days(cannot carry over).
3. Direct clients, (no in between pimps)

There are few small things like the desi recruiters but hey its consulting and its not a Oracle, Microsoft, Wipro,Infosys.

So take it easy !!!
PLEASE DO NOT SPREAD RUMORS. I suspect Jamesbond009 is one of us (who is known for posting such ridiculous posts) registered himself as a new user and posted this.
Namaste: I had been working for Rapidigm for over 4 yr. I quit them most recently in order to pursue some other interest. I've got only one thing say about Rapidigm, "I hardly had any problem with them whether I was on assignment or off". At the same time, I wouldn't expect a consulting company to be a 'charitable trust' either.
I think new1975 and newmanmarcus are correct.

Firing Employees is order of the day and is being followed by almost many consulting companies.

Also I know companies that are laying off fulltime employees with out any severence package.

The worst part is that there are not many companies that are willing to hire people for fulltime positions due the prevailing economic conditions.

Where do we go from here......
I do not know about rapidigm'2003. But in 2001, this company laid off a lot of H1B guys, some of whom were forced to goback to India because they went out of status. One of my close friends also suffered this (laid off and went back to India in 2001). From the previous postings in this forum and from what i heard from my friend, Rapidigm easily ranks as one of the worst consulting companies for H1B holders. There is no doubt about it. Though mos of the people here hate their body shoppers, still these companies atleast don't lay you off before you get GC. They only squeeze you financially. But they won't spoil your career. On the other hand, Rapidigm works like an American company (hire and fire) but with an indian face (that's why so any people get decieved) by Rapidigm.
Just my two cents.
dSatish !!!

I guess you are arriving at conclusion without knowing the exact things, when Rapidigm lays off a H1B employee, they have to cancel their H1b too this is because the INS makes them mandatory and Rapidigm does what is mandatory, including giving you bench pay and the best medical benfits (forgot about the insurance policy in my last post, even today Rapidigm doesn't charge you from your pocket if you are single for the best health insurance, for family they charge like only 50 bucks per month for the BEST insurance). So point is they don't do any things which is against INS policies simply being a bigger company, the company has 2000 consultants through the US and they cannot afford to bend one small rule for a single person like not canceling the H1 for a laid off employee like small desi employer. And they don't charge you for your h1b, green card fees, like the other desi employer does, they even don't charge for renewal fees like h1b renewal fees, EAD renewal, AP renewal unlike other companies. Other companies these days charge for GC easily 3K and even for H1b they dont pay you renewal fees. Their GC process is transparent they don't hide things from you.

Another fact Rapidigm is NOT a desi company, its owned by an American, so there is no dual face as you mention, its that they have large no of indian employees like Oracle, cisco. INS has listed rapidigm as the 7th largest employer who processes H1bs in the US. So they do what Oracle, Microsoft,Cisco would typically do when they lay off an employee.

Your friends were unlucky to be laid off in the recession and they cannot blame rapidigm. If your friends were in other desi company sure his/her h1 would have not been canceled and GC would have continued becoz the desi employer knows how to play the tricks and bend rules for individual employee.

So you cannot say that Rapidigm is the WORST consulting, infact Pittsburgh ranks Rapidigm as the top consulting employer among others like CDI,CIBER,CEI and so on...

I think its just the complaining and nagging attitude of desis, back in India people abuse TCS, Wipro and Infosys. People with genuine problems I can understand but people who do for the sake of doing it I think should change their attitude.
Clearly there is a difference from 2001 to 2003 in the sense that there was no portability law at that time. Guys who got laid off in 2001 might suffered from a grinding halt in their GC process. There is no doubt about it. But, that should not necessarily force the guys go out of country as they could always search for new jobs. They could have even found some other ‘desi-faceted’, ‘desi-hearted’ kind of company which could have completed their GC by hook or crook. Or is it true that Rapidigm gives notice today and lays off tomorrow and cancels H1 the day next?
Nope, Rapidigm gives a notice of 2-3 weeks for lay off and then cancels your h1b after the next week. Technically they are supposed to send the cancelation notice to INS the day after the notice to the employer is over. So over all I guess 3 weeks before h1 is actually canceled and they never changed their policy with respect to this.
Hey guys..

I was a active member of this forum last year. I got my GC year ago. I worked with Rapidigm. In my personal opinion. They are very decent company to work with. I will not agree, they are one of the worst companies in USA. I just dont know in what way u r making that judgement. Are u working for Rapidigm. I worked with them for 5 years. They have a very good Legal setup to do ur GC. I think thats the best. If you look at other consulting companies. they will delay ur filing process. The RIS(Rapidigm Immigration Services) is one of the professionally managed unit in the consulting business. They do the decent job.

As somebody was telling, Rapidigm takes care of their consultants very well. There is a saying in Rapidigm "Once you joined Rapidigm, You are married to a recruiter", so its ur LUCK. Fortunately the gentleman from Sacramento was my Recruiter and he was tooo good to me and to most of my friends. Coz he was a recruiter to most of my friends too. So if you conduct a poll to spoil Rapidigm' name, You will be the loser. Coz most of the Rapidigm users in this fourm either got their greencard or in the process of getting approved. They wont utter even a single word about Rapidigm.

In this Bad economy, All the consulting companies are laying off people. Why do u just blame rapidigm. I dont get this point. If they cannot recruit you, that means the economy is bad. Its not rapidigm' fault. I know Rapidigm used to get me 4 to 5 interviews in a single day for me in 2000. Even in 2002, My friend was getting soo many calls.

If you are blaming Rapidigm means, Either you are sooo Bad or You got a Bad Recruiter and hence had problems with your Recruiter or some other problem. So DONT BLAME RAPIDIGM.

THey relocation package is Fantastic. Once you got your project, they wont allow you to spend even a single penny from your pocket. They arrange the movers, flight tickets, hotel accomadation and Rental car, and in some cases, if you have trouble finding apartmetns, they will extend ur stay in hotel, good Immigration dept, Most of the recruiters are good, Decent salary package(if you negotiate well)... What else u expect from a consulting company.. Are u expecting the guys in Rapidigm to come and kneel down and suck ur stick. That tooo much mannn.

One last point., Now i am out of Rapidigm, I found a decent job with a decent company. I had to relocate for that. The company asked me to pay upfront and reimburse later. Those things are pain in the butt. Rapidigm never does that. They also put a ceiling for the relocation. Those things never occured with Rapidigm.

So Please dont spread these kind of things about Rapidigm...

You are absolutely right with what you have said and thats what I tried to write in my posts too.

People don't get to know the facts before they post their conclusion.

My recruiter too was in Sacromento (he was the guy with 100 consultants) and then I changed my recruiter (he too left RPM) and now I 've some one else !!
Just wonder whether...

Rapidigm ever hires non-Indian employees? If so how should I try the company? Thanks.
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