Rapidigm guys....any one know about OminiPros...


New Member

Does anyone know about OminiPros...How good it is? They have pulled lot of Rapidigm people, both from Consulting and Recruiting. Any idea.
I too got offer from OmniPros

I guess It is good. One of my friend(XXXXX) who is working in Cisco,he said lot of consultants from OminiPros.
OminiPros is also junk company..

Actually Rapidigm got shit back from OminiPros....

All Pleasonton office ex-Rapidigm people are in OminiPros....

Just changing the name and do all same bad practice..

OminiPro is yet Another Rapidigm....
Did you think why these guys at OmniPros would start a company when market is down?

These guys are passionate folks - they know what they are doing - passion is dangerous. Talk to them to solve your grievances. They are out there not to make money - to do what is right - to set things right.
The Best Company Out There - OmniPros

Folks: OmniPros is the Best company out there. These are awesome folks that are truly out there to help out. A professional company with caring recruiters.

Cannot compare this to Rapidigm. That company is full of idiots and
Go OmniPros!!

THIS IS THE WRONG BOARD TO DISCUSS THESE TOPICS, and also it looks like a kind of promotion for this company by the owners of this company, posting with different ids.

Stop this nonsene. Go somewhere else.
get the f*** off this board.........

unbelievable shit......ask yourself guys...can any consulting company be anything other than bloody bloodsuckers.........
OmniPros is Big Cheating asshole...

All big suckers (recruiters) joined OmniPros.....led by Pawan.

Even great mkters left Rapidigm to join OmniPros.

Dont ever believe in OmniPros...they commit to give their wife at the begining after that...thats it....they will start sucking the blood....
RAPIDIGM computer Horizon Merger confirmed

Hi all.,

One of the influential recruiter in Rapidigm told that Rapidigm and COmputer horizon struck a deal in their merger plans.

Anybody knew this...
Rapidigm got traded in the dull market

Hi all.,
One of the influential recruiter in Rapidigm told that Rapidigm and COmputer horizon struck a deal in their merger plans.

Anybody knew this...
No Title

in that case what will happen to GC, should I140 be amended for those who have applied for 485 & waiting for approval. My RD is 7/25/01
No Title

Omni Pros has been started by Pawan Bahuguna, Sib Prasad De. Samir Ashar joined as a recruiter there after he was kicked by Rapidigm. Sib Prasad De is a dirty snake.
it looks like the managerial persons from rapidigm and omnipros are

trying to gather information from this site to sue each other. so folks dont get involved in this. this fastrun looks like a big boss blood sucker from rapidigm.