Rant (on members who are mean)!!!

Have you been insulted or made to feel stupid by members on this forum

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This thread will not be used to call people names or be mean, but if you encounter member's being rude please post your story and I send the Administrator a list with members or moderators name of the following.

Date; Thread; Post; and Post number. I will also include at some point an attachment to go with it. If you just want to take the poll without a coment that would be great also.
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Yes, it was when I first joined and had no ideas and many questions... I almost never posted again I was embarrassed that people thought I was so stupid. :(
What an utterly silly interpersonal dispute.

This forum's for discussing immigration, guys; if you want to complain about folk you're not getting along with right now, take it to your LiveJournal or MySpace. Let's not turn ImmigrationPortal into DramaPortal?
Ok then, hit no and please move on, as we are not here to bash it's a complaint thread, we've heard your complaint, thank you.
I have a question for the Moderators "who in my opinion are taking sides", Why hasn't P been censured for some of his comments?

As for those complaining about trini, why haven't any of you made any comments about P? I have refused to insult anyone rather I have tried instead to point out inconsistencies by a few "experts" on the AOS process.
I think power was abused today, and that's fine, but moderators should not to pick sides but enforce the forum rule, I do not think they should have such power to close threads. They should give warnings and if not complied with then take it up with the administrator, who's going to police them.

It really made me mad that my name was called out, I am not mean to people for no reason, I think I'm always sticking up for the folks here. But so be it, it's done I sent a PM to that moderator said what I had to say and I was me, I did not hold back, I do not kiss no ones butt.

I was singled out today by that moderator and should have been sent a PM first like I did to him/her. But is goes back to saying, give someone a little power and it goes to their head to think they can do whatever.

He/she is no different, I just want this poll and thread to show members experience on this forum. You can vote once, but if you need to rant, please do so without the name calling.
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I think that people who like smooching a certain someone's butt love to put the blame on trini,love to label her as a disrupter of peace.When in reality it is 1 person and 1 person alone,who is responsible for all this unrest.And I am tired of it.He is one of,if not the most knowledgable(when it comes to immigration) contributors to this forum among active members.But his incredibly rude and antagonistic responses to people looking for help make coming to this forum unbearable at times.

In the may forum,when people started arguing about lou dobbs,how come that thread wasn't closed?What does Mr.Dobbs have to do with me filing my aos package?
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If this thread is closed we should all start sending PM to the administrator until something changes. BTW I labeled this thread so everyone knows what it's all about so no one should enter if they do not like rants or a situations containing this subject.
I have a suggestion for a new thread that could be helpful to members who are made to feel like they are stupid when asking a question. This is not my personal invention but something that's worked extremely well and was well received on another forum.

It would be called something like: "Flame free zone: ask your questions" thread and the simple rules are that any question can be asked, and the thread can only consist of helpful answers, i.e. no commenting on the quality of the question or how stupid it is. Of course, any member could choose to stay away from that thread if they think the questions are too stupid, and the advantage for these members is that the questions that bore them are confined to one specific thread.

In the forum where this was tried out, of course many questions were of the "duh" kind for experienced members, but many more were not, and over time it served as a great repository of asked and answered questions. New members were encouraged to review that thread first, and the number of new threads asking the same questions over and over again was greatly reduced. Imagine this subforum without the daily question "what forms do I need to fill" or "I entered without inspection, should I go back for CP" or "on I-485 Part 2, what letter do I need to fill in if I filed concurrently" or "can I come here on a visa waiver, get married and apply for AOS"?
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I have seen a number of posts where the poster asked questions and was basically called an idiot for no reason, or they get a sarcastic answer which doesn't help them at all. Some posts just ask for trouble, when it really does indicate fraud or other, but a lot of times someone gets put down for no reason. It's one of the reasons I try not to ask anything unless I have tried all other alternatives to find the answer. I haven't been bashed or embarrassed personally, other than one time I didn't explain myself correctly and got a roll eyes kind of "you're an idiot" comment which I remember feeling I didn't deserve at all. So I can see why some people become shy to post. I try to remember everyone is tough behind a screen. So I try not to take it to heart... I think it's just a matter of people remembering they didn't know it all at one time. Just because they do now, means nothing.
Persecution complex runs rampant in this thread, it seems. If it's so terrible here, there're at least two other high-traffic immigration forums you can use. Don't let the door hit you, and all that.


By all means don't let that same door hit you on your way out if you have a problem with us.:)...I see you want to jump in this,I see you want attention,I have broken my usual code and gave some of the much needed recognition that you so desired,I hope you are satisfied now and can move on with your life:).Good luck to you with your gc journey.

I have a suggestion for a new thread that could be helpful to members who are made to feel like they are stupid when asking a question. This is not my personal invention but something that's worked extremely well and was well received on another forum.

It would be called something like: "Flame free zone: ask your questions" thread and the simple rules are that any question can be asked, and the thread can only consist of helpful answers, i.e. no commenting on the quality of the question or how stupid it is. Of course, any member could choose to stay away from that thread if they think the questions are too stupid, and the advantage for these members is that the questions that bore them are confined to one specific thread.

In the forum where this was tried out, of course many questions were of the "duh" kind for experienced members, but many more were not, and over time it served as a great repository of asked and answered questions. New members were encouraged to review that thread first, and the number of new threads asking the same questions over and over again was greatly reduced. Imagine this subforum without the daily question "what forms do I need to fill" or "I entered without inspection, should I go back for CP" or "on I-485 Part 2, what letter do I need to fill in if I filed concurrently" or "can I come here on a visa waiver, get married and apply for AOS"?

Excellent idea,because I believe that some of the people that answer questions that are in the 1000+ post range are tired of answering the same questions over and over again.To them it's like a grown adult asking them what number comes after 4.But my whole thing has been,if you can't deal with the person's lack of knowledge then don't answer the question!

And another thing i've noticed,most of the time these high posters do not tackle the hard questions.I've seen questions that have stayed unanswered because the answer wasn't as simple as 123.
I have a suggestion for a new thread that could be helpful to members who are made to feel like they are stupid when asking a question. This is not my personal invention but something that's worked extremely well and was well received on another forum.

It would be called something like: "Flame free zone: ask your questions" thread and the simple rules are that any question can be asked, and the thread can only consist of helpful answers, i.e. no commenting on the quality of the question or how stupid it is. Of course, any member could choose to stay away from that thread if they think the questions are too stupid, and the advantage for these members is that the questions that bore them are confined to one specific thread.

In the forum where this was tried out, of course many questions were of the "duh" kind for experienced members, but many more were not, and over time it served as a great repository of asked and answered questions. New members were encouraged to review that thread first, and the number of new threads asking the same questions over and over again was greatly reduced. Imagine this subforum without the daily question "what forms do I need to fill" or "I entered without inspection, should I go back for CP" or "on I-485 Part 2, what letter do I need to fill in if I filed concurrently" or "can I come here on a visa waiver, get married and apply for AOS"?

Great idea!! You know people say all the time this forum is just for Immigration and nothing else. But what's so wrong with us starting a thread for something other than Imm. I don't see why it will bother some folks so much, just don't respond, the one that have something to say I think want to start troubel, like long view. He jumped on me in my own thread (July/August) told me to leave. I mean, I think he could have not just said anything. But because of my no bash rule which he broke already I'll make him invisible. LOL

BTW I'm stressed out thinking about AOS, and sometimes having something else to talk, fight about takes the edge off.
Guys, :eek:

This thread is stupid in my view and infantile. People who are harassed and mauled by other members, should stand up for themselves. You cannot make rules for everyone who come to this forum. :confused: Remember that you are dealing with people from a gazzilions of cultures, and the frame of reference is totally different from yours....:(

Personally, I like a good joke and at times, I go overboard. However, I don't do it with the intention to hurt or make people feel stupid... :( I am of the view that, if this forum didn't exist, thousands of people would have no clue on how to process their immigration paperwork....:rolleyes: I changed over from one status to the other because of the lesson I picked from this forum, so I am for helping people gain the benefit that is due to them by the due process of the law, and not through fraud....:)

Mr. Pra acted in the wrong manner and I told him to cut the OP some slack, but never listened and got in trouble with other members...:cool:
Guys, :eek:

This thread is stupid in my view and infantile. People who are harassed and mauled by other members, should stand up for themselves. You cannot make rules for everyone who come to this forum. :confused: Remember that you are dealing with people from a gazzilions of cultures, and the frame of reference is totally different from yours....:(

Personally, I like a good joke and at times, I go overboard. However, I don't do it with the intention to hurt or make people feel stupid... :( I am of the view that, if this forum didn't exist, thousands of people would have no clue on how to process their immigration paperwork....:rolleyes: I changed over from one status to the other because of the lesson I picked from this forum, so I am for helping people gain the benefit that is due to them by the due process of the law, and not through fraud....:)

Mr. Pra acted in the wrong manner and I told him to cut the OP some slack, but never listened and got in trouble with other members...:cool:

Hey AL,I agree with you to a certain extent.I've seen you joke around and i've seen you drop a lil sarcasm here and there,but it was never mean spirited.I always laughed,him on the other hand:rolleyes:

You would not believe the amount of people that have sent me pm's yesterday and today telling me thank you,finally someone put him in his place,I knew he was hiding something.That didn't make me feel proud.You know what did though?The messages from people telling me thank you so much,I left this forum because of him,I left because he made me feel stupid.I don't post questions anymore because i'm afraid of what he might say.WHAT!Who the heck does this guy think he is???

After I got those messages,they could close every thread I speak against him in,they could ban me,they could do what they want.I did my part.I brought joy to alot of people yesterday.This poll won't reflect the real numbers,none of the people that sent me pm's voted so far,you know why?Because there scared.Immigrants who don't have that card like to stay in the shadows,we all know that.This is America before this is immigrationportal.
pville85 said:
You would not believe the amount of people that have sent me pm's yesterday
Two; one from Trini, and one from Joeie.

trinigirl said:
I don't see why it will bother some folks so much, just don't respond, the one that have something to say I think want to start troubel, like long view. He jumped on me in my own thread (July/August) told me to leave. I mean, I think he could have not just said anything.
What I said was very clear: if you're all being persecuted so badly, and the administration here is so abhorrently abusive and unfair toward you, perhaps you should leave for a different forum. I'm not obligated to sit around while you all bash the administration and flood the forum with whining, fighting, and drama.
After I got those messages,they could close every thread I speak against him in,they could ban me,they could do what they want.I did my part.I brought joy to alot of people yesterday.This poll won't reflect the real numbers,none of the people that sent me pm's voted so far,you know why?Because there scared.Immigrants who don't have that card like to stay in the shadows,we all know that.This is America before this is immigrationportal.

Let me give you a pat in the back and a cookie... :rolleyes:

I never have or will hide anything, you chose to read what I said and twist it to make it fit your "fraud story". All of you just needed a little bit of "Attention" and you got it, at the expense of someone else, and you call me hypocrite? :rolleyes:
Two; one from Trini, and one from Joeie.
Actually none from either of those two,you know what a pm is?It-is-a-private-message...Comprehend?That means understand:rolleyes:

What I said was very clear: if you're all being persecuted so badly, and the administration here is so abhorrently abusive and unfair toward you, perhaps you should leave for a different forum. I'm not obligated to sit around while you all bash the administration and flood the forum with whining, fighting, and drama.

Hmmmm and exactly what are you doing now Einstein?Why i'm I giving this person the time of day,ignored!
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Let me give you a pat in the back and a cookie... :rolleyes:

I never have or will hide anything, you chose to read what I said and twist it to make it fit your "fraud story". All of you just needed a little bit of "Attention" and you got it, at the expense of someone else, and you call me hypocrite? :rolleyes:

I never called you a fraud.INTERSTINGI just pointed eveyone to a truth about you.I did however call and point out that you are a hypocrite.I'll take a pat on the back and a cookie for that;)Make that two cookies;)
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Thanks to all who commented they liked the idea of the thread I proposed. Just to clarify, the thread would still be intended for family based immigration. However, if someone were to ask an unrelated question, sure, they could do that too without getting flamed.
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