Rally in front of PBEC - Are You Ready?

Would You Join Rally in front of PBEC

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PBECisKillingMe is the father of this thread, can I request him to give a date and place to the rally and put a new poll. Guys please PM me with your contact info. we can start assigning duties and plan for it.
I am planning May 12th

WhyMe3200 said:
PBECisKillingMe is the father of this thread, can I request him to give a date and place to the rally and put a new poll. Guys please PM me with your contact info. we can start assigning duties and plan for it.

I am planning May 12th Friday. opinion please. ASAP !!!!

PBECIsKillingMe said:
I am planning May 12th Friday. opinion please. ASAP !!!!
I am in

Count me in.
Rally anywhere. I will show up. I can do other work like contacting media, contacting local Indian/ Chinese community to show up.

I learnt that in Illegals rally, there were lot of citizens came out to support them. Let me see if I could garner some support from GC holders and Citizens to show up for an hour...
Count me in!

About time!

We need to visit all forums, print/develop flyers. Come on, we are here legally!!!! Let's leverage that conservative side of the country that would support us, we are NOT breaking the law, we are waiting patiently ... but for what?

Look, if illegal aliens get a green card before we do, that would be a great shame. THey could introduce a law on our behalf guys!!!!

If we don't speak up, no one will speak up for us.
Please change the name of the thread to "Rally in Washington DC" so that people can decide if they can make to DC.

may 12th is too far

It would be better if we can do it in next 2 weeks when congress will be in session. may 12th is a month away. another thing, we need their attention before they pass the law so the best time would be the day the senate reconvenes.

we need another poll to find out what most prefer, sunday or monday. I would say an excel sheet would be a good idea to gather everyone's opinion.
PBECiskillingme, take the lead and put out an excel sheet with name, where do they live, where would they like to protest(DC or Philly or NY or somewhere else), howmany people they plan to bring with them and what day they prefer sunday or monday.

also I think its better to do it in one place so there will be more people.

Rally before they vote on Immigration laws!!!

We need to do this ASAP, not wait until May

In may, it will be too late. They have passed a law already, and we will lose our leverage as legal immigrants!

Wouldn't it be wise to include ALL processing centers? Not just Philly?

Demonstrating in front of Congress would be a good idea instead of demonstrating in front of DOL. DOL is part of the executive branch, they are not listening to us .. ok FINE ... we'll go to Congress then.

Before the march, let's fax all Senators and Congress people.
Okay guys here's the deal. Take my words Congress is not going to do anything for us. BEC issues are solely administrative issue. The admisnistration has screwed up. Since there's PERM the DOL has an answer to the lawmakers. So though it make sense to do a rally when the congress is in session, but our main focus should be media and DOL officebearers in D.C. there should be no doubt rally should be in D.C. regarding date we should get enough time to do stuff like taking permissions and contacting the media etc.
WhyMe3200 said:
Okay guys here's the deal. Take my words Congress is not going to do anything for us. BEC issues are solely administrative issue. The admisnistration has screwed up. Since there's PERM the DOL has an answer to the lawmakers. So though it make sense to do a rally when the congress is in session, but our main focus should be media and DOL officebearers in D.C. there should be no doubt rally should be in D.C. regarding date we should get enough time to do stuff like taking permissions and contacting the media etc.

Whyme -Yes this is a Good Point

While rally is a Good Idea we need to answer these questions before we ask what we want. Just give my thoughts on this.Use as necessary

If we want Media attention and Public attention - Yes the Rally will get that provided we are in 1000's atleast.Sofar the No of Views in this Thread has not crossed that. How do we get the required Numbers?? If possible we should get family Members ???

How are we thinking that few thousands rallying just before the discussion on the Bill will change the minds of lawmakers. Most of them has already decided and has been lobbied by Bigwigs for last few months to reach to this stage.

The Rally Organized for Illegals has been done by an Oragnization. Here we have to do it ourself.Who will lead the effort and make sure we take care all necessary permissions beforehand.If there is any mixup in that then the Rally will have negative impact.

(We might need Uniforms, Megaphones, US Flags, banners etc etc ) Someone need to cordinate these

Do we have any kind of Organizations ( like people who ae opposed to this Illegal Business etc) who will support us for this. When it comes to that again it will be question funds . we are few and how many will contribute when it comes to that is a question.The illegals were in Millions and contribution of $1.00 wpuld have given them the Funds needed for that

It is better to get the support of Senators who are against this Bill , who can just lead us in the rally so show their support for Legal process

The rally should highlight our wait in the GC Journey and not just pinpoint the hole in the PBEC only as it is a Govt Machinery . We have to complain about the Process and not the People who are doing it
The other Green card stuff is taken care of by amendments by senator Brownback, Sen. Alexander and Sen. Bingamen. I'm sure they'll make it thru. It's a decision we need to make. Are we doing a rally for Green Card as a whole or we are just talking about the BEC's ? and my take is we should go there and say help us DOL only. Let's concentrate only on BECs. If they say they are going to get it done in SEP'2007 , they start acting on it and take us seriously.

saknia said:
Whyme -Yes this is a Good Point

While rally is a Good Idea we need to answer these questions before we ask what we want. Just give my thoughts on this.Use as necessary .......
Here is my opinion

saknia said:
Whyme -Yes this is a Good Point

While rally is a Good Idea we need to answer these questions before we ask what we want. Just give my thoughts on this.Use as necessary

If we want Media attention and Public attention - Yes the Rally will get that provided we are in 1000's atleast.Sofar the No of Views in this Thread has not crossed that. How do we get the required Numbers?? If possible we should get family Members ???

How are we thinking that few thousands rallying just before the discussion on the Bill will change the minds of lawmakers. Most of them has already decided and has been lobbied by Bigwigs for last few months to reach to this stage.

The Rally Organized for Illegals has been done by an Oragnization. Here we have to do it ourself.Who will lead the effort and make sure we take care all necessary permissions beforehand.If there is any mixup in that then the Rally will have negative impact.

(We might need Uniforms, Megaphones, US Flags, banners etc etc ) Someone need to cordinate these

Do we have any kind of Organizations ( like people who ae opposed to this Illegal Business etc) who will support us for this. When it comes to that again it will be question funds . we are few and how many will contribute when it comes to that is a question.The illegals were in Millions and contribution of $1.00 wpuld have given them the Funds needed for that

It is better to get the support of Senators who are against this Bill , who can just lead us in the rally so show their support for Legal process

The rally should highlight our wait in the GC Journey and not just pinpoint the hole in the PBEC only as it is a Govt Machinery . We have to complain about the Process and not the People who are doing it

Here is my view on this:

1. We need to be minimum 1000 to get attention. Otherwise the excercise is useless.

2. First we need to check our mindset. Are we ready for rally? That was my main goal behind creating the poll. No offense ment, but I have observed in past, we want to do something - everyone give their suggestion but how many are ready to act? I want to check, ARE WE REALLY READY TO ACT AND NOT SIT SILENT?

3. We need a fair amount to organize the rally (rough estimate $10,000). This depends on number of people are ready.

4. We don't want to change lawmaker's mind overnight. Our goal is to raise awareness against illegal-pro system. We want to make them aware that they cry for illegals so much, there are bigger issues associated with legal and skilled immigration.
Here's how I look at it.
1) We will not get more than 100 -150 people , but what the heck if you guys are ready we'll do it anyway.

2) Trust me, don't be surprized if Elaine Chow tell us tomorrow that she did not know there's something called BECs and there was some problem with them.

3) All we'll do by putting up billboards is tell DOL and media we need help.

4) We don't need any money for this, everybod will bring their own billboards.
How do I change name of thread !

WhyMe3200 said:
Here's how I look at it.
1) We will not get more than 100 -150 people , but what the heck if you guys are ready we'll do it anyway.

2) Trust me, don't be surprized if Elaine Chow tell us tomorrow that she did not know there's something called BECs and there was some problem with them.

3) All we'll do by putting up billboards is tell DOL and media we need help.

4) We don't need any money for this, everybod will bring their own billboards.

Someone help ! How do I change name of thread as we are planning the rally in DC now?
How about create a new thread I would say 5th may is a good date(it is a friday) and we have enough time we can plan things. It should be like
1) Place D.C.
2) Date 5th may'2006 time 10 A.M.
3) We'll give a memorendum to DOL secretary Elaine Chow & other main officials(we'll decide on whom). After that we'll march to the White house and give a memorendium to the President's office. We should be done in 2-3 hrs.

DOL office is 1.9 miles from White house. it should be a walk of about 50-60 minutes
My 2c

1. It does not matter how many people we have in the rally. As long as we have billboards, we can do it.

2. If people cannot make it to PBEC, meet in DC. Lets have 2 rallies in 2 different places (PBEC AND DC) at the same time on the same day.

3. May 5th is too far away. I would prefer 04/18 or 04/25, because it is a tuesday and immigration is still fresh in people's mind. May is just too far. Timing is important, we all know that.
code4food said:
My 2c

1. It does not matter how many people we have in the rally. As long as we have billboards, we can do it.

2. If people cannot make it to PBEC, meet in DC. Lets have 2 rallies in 2 different places (PBEC AND DC) at the same time on the same day.

3. May 5th is too far away. I would prefer 04/18 or 04/25, because it is a tuesday and immigration is still fresh in people's mind. May is just too far. Timing is important, we all know that.

I agree, we need to do this now. Lets not drag it to May 04/18 and 25 seems to be a good date
We'll have to prepare the memorendum content take permissions(or atleast find out if we need to take one) and let the word out to people. Immigration issue will still be hot in May. So it's not too far away. Please finalize 1 date or we'll waste 1 week on this. Also do not splitt between Philly & DC for this concern people should be willing to travel. Doing demonstration in fron t of PBEC is like giving a memorendum against Dell administration in their offshore office in Gurgaon. It's a satellite building, there's no official , there are contractors sitting there, what's the point of going to philly ?