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Yesterday i had a good experience of it, and realized for the first time in America. I have been here for good 7 years now, living in a Asian dominated town of Sunnyvale CA.

Was making a left turn from the innermost lane. On the next lane was a white American (in 40's) also making a left turn, who was also cutting the lane while taking the turn and pressing my car on the left divider. Naturally what i felt was to honk and warn him of my presence. He uttered very bad words in the beginning and asked me to pull over. First i decided not to but found he was following me very closely and kept humming his accelerator. then i eventually i did. He got down with a screw driver in hand and came next to my left window and this is what he said...

"Do you know what Country you are at" ??

I said sorry, and said "You have a good day sir"

Being a Indian christian and lived in pune all the years before coming to USA...I apply a bindi on my forehead...maybe that is what caught his eye. The remarks were very rude.

I taked to my American collegue in the office and she said
unless it's a police officer i should not stop, and i should have driven straight to the police station.

I have seriously taken the advice.

With so many things happening around the world it's better
to be extra careful.

It's a lesson learnt for me.


Always remember, whatever happens, you dont stop, unless its a police officer pulling you over.

In the place your living, its not a surprise. With so many ethnic groups living there, they (whites) are somewhat insecure and feeling they are being overtaken by minority races.

Whites have always been insecure with us asians. We earn more money than they do, we are definitely smarter than them. We asians dont have a tendency to become serial killers, serial rapist, or anything related to that. The only thing they brag about is the color of their skin.
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Why you said you are sorry!

From the description you gave, you didn't do anything wrong. It is the white guy did some thing wrong to you. Why you said sorry to him. You should have wrote down his license number and called 911 about him from your cell phone.

I have been feeling the Racism for a long time. Actually I posted something about my experience in Atlanta when there were lot of posts about the best places to live after GC. They thought of everything except discrimination.

When I experienced racism the first time, I was like what you did. But after couple times, I learned my lesson. We have to speak out for ourselves. Otherwise no body cares.
No matter how small the matter is, I will take extra effort to fight it. Give you a example, I went to Sears to buy a nut to fit my bolt. I asked the cashier to take out to my car to see if it fit before I bought it. She wouldn't let me do it. The way she talked to me suggested Racism. So I had to report her behavior to the manager. It turned out she was the manager. I wrote a letter to the Chain store customer service department....
Same thing happened to parking dispute I had with a parking lot owner. I made extra effert to make sure I don't pay it....

We are here working our butt off to make sure we pay tax, we have every right to be treated well.
Re: Romalin

Originally posted by ranniedv

Whites have always been insecure with us asians. We earn more money than they do, we are definitely smarter than them. We asians dont have a tendency to become serial killers, serial rapist, or anything related to that. The only thing they brag about is the color of their skin.

Every generalization is wrong, and so is the quoted one... Judging people (be they white, asians, etc.) simply on the basis of their color is wrong (both from the moral and legal standpoints). Unfortunately, your supposedly anti-racist comment is as flagrantly racist as the other driver's behavior. Remember: trash comes in all colors..

To the author of the topic: if you feel threatened (as you, quite understandly were), the incident should've been reported to the police. Clearly, there was a threat of a physical assault -- and those things shouldn't be taken lightly.
Same here...

The first time one person hit my car from behind. There is no reason for an accident, but it happened that he acclerated her car onto my car. Immediately her comments were "No Damage .. Look!! No Damage". Then I said, I just want to call the police and get the accident recorded.

Meantime, she was negotiating with me to settle the problem with her. I said no. Also, I just wanted to ask her to give her name and insurance company address. I still did not talk, but looking at my gesture, she said "I do not want to talk to you because, you are not an American". I said "I never wanted to talk to you - that is why I called the police".

Descrimination is just a disguise for helplessness. If someone were helpless, they tend to morally degrade the other person. For eg. I thought of telling her "I do not talk to Ladies". But because, she is a nut, it does not mean that I should behave like one. So, I promptly told the police the same thing...but did not rake up the issue too much, as I do not have that much time for petty things.

The irony is discrimination is not tied up with caste, creed, religion, sex or rase. It comes in all colors as someone said. I experienced discrimination in North India that I am a South Indian -- in a Southern State that I am not of their language -- In a job offer that I am not a backward class -- In getting admission to a required branch, that I am not a backward class -- In USA that I am not an American... So, nothing new and just leave those nuts alone.

Also, the rule of the thumb is NEVER STOP YOUR CAR FOR ANYONE EXCEPT FOR POLICE - When you want to stop, you have the right to slowly ride your car to a place where you think it is safe for you and then stop the car (even if it is with a cop).
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Well said. As a matter of fact, such instances are rather rare in the US . In India, discrimination (whether Brahmin vs. non- Brahmin, southerner vs. northener, forward vs.backward, kannada vs. tamils vs. hindi vs. punjabi etc. etc.) is so open and frequent that people take pride in it.

Let do our part by not becoming a player in this dirty game.

__ Jai
Road Rage

A couple of days ago I had a similar incident on GSP when a black guy tried to push me arround and hit me when I did not give him space.

At that point I simply pretended to write down his number plate and picked up my cell phone pretending to make a call. I am sure he must have thought I was calling the cops (Which I totally was pretending to call). Anyhow the end result was that he ran for his life driving like crazy and trying to get as far as possible from me.

Incidents like this happen so very often in NJ, it is unbelievable. So simply keep your cool and if feel threatened call the cops. Thats what I would do!
Some times it does happen. By nature some are agrresive and in addition his mood would have been spoiled by one of us by our typical DESI behavior.

Leave it there

There are many many more others who are very tolerate and cooperative, so we are still roaming.
Good points all round.

The thing is though, don't make too much of the
racial aspect, otherwise you will adopt a Democrat victim
mentality and attribute everything to this topic,
which is detrimental to your personal development.

Putting it bluntly, an a**hole is an a**hole is an a**hole.
Suppose you had been a WASP male, I'm sure that nut would
have pulled the same stunt. Believe me, I have had
experiences similar to yours which have scared the
bejaysus out of me, and I'm a big guy too.

The thing is, be smart and try to minimize the risk
of becoming a mark. Always try to be aware of your
surroundings, the time of day etc. Just this week
a friend was mugged by three armed youths. He did the
smart thing and gave them his stuff (three to one is bad

I have seen a lot of desi who look like easy targets
and unwittingly invite trouble.
Where I work, I try to tell them the walking home
at 8.30pm in business clothes, with a Bat-belt
of gadgets around your waist and a briefcase is
asking for trouble.
Racism - Racism - Racism


Racism on the road - in this country - is very very common. Calling police may not help some times as racisr element is there too.

But, what really matters to me , is racism in my work place.

I am the only Indian in our group -- others are whites. My boss uses severely repulsive personality is a way of his leadership - only for me. When myself and a white (who is junior to me in position) are sitting in front of my boss to discuss a topic, his body language always tries to ignore me in front of any white.

I joined the organization recently (a big pharma company, may be, in a wrong group of people) as full-time employee. I have been working in different other organizations as consultants. I felt Organizational racism, but did not care that much because, as a consultant, I ignored it.

Now, as a permanent employee, I feel terribly bad when I suffer from my own boss's racist attitude.

I am trying to keep only professional/work-related with my boss and , I know, I will be fired at first if there is any need to fire anybody anyday. (It's funny that I was hired as by boss's boss wanted to reduce some cost by hiring one immigrant Indian)

Every evening I go to Monster, Dice and Immigration Portal.
please keep this thread active

Please put your experiences here. I always wanted to talk about this but do not know where to turn to fearing backlash. Talking among our Desi friends also do not help as you would like to be annonymous while talking these things.
I have experienced these kind descrimination on work place.
And I am afraid to respond the way I like to ( GC not yet through).

Take this example : When I was new to group as a contractor and
wanted to learn a s/w download procedure that one senior was demontrating to other coleague. When I showed my willingness to be there, I was told that client company would mind that contractor know this procedure. I don't thing it was the case because we are now showing that to interns.

I do not know how to complain this incident.
Also once , to save papers I put one side used paper.
someone complained to manager and that manager brought this issue in group meeting.
In ideal case this is what should have happeded.
Coulleague who first observed used papers should have thrown them away and put new one. Since they had my name on them he could have come to me and told me so.
Second, that manager should have told me in private to do so.
Note that this is private printer that we use in our lab for our group only and is not printer for general company operation.
Just answer this question..

When your own country ( your own motherland ) discriminates you against so many factors, what is wrong in a foreign country discriminating you against just one thing "race" ? I do not have (or see) any problem with that.

The one responsible for treating you right is not doing so - This is injustice.

The one that need not treat you right is not treating you right - This is justice.

Fortunately, all my colleagues were very co-opertive and helpful to me throughout my career in USA. Actually I always felt that my managers were treating me like their own son.

But, discrimination at work place is a little difficult to bear with. Just because, we have to spend most of our day at work.

However, my question still stands stiff. Please do answer that question, and in that answer you will find solutions to many issues.
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DryIce, you may have some mental problem ...

When your own country ( your own motherland ) discriminates you against so many factors, what is wrong in a foreign country discriminating you against just one thing "race" ? I do not have (or see) any problem with that.

Yes, in a developing country like India, there is reservation based on Caste -- to provide an incentive to the uplift of the historically downtrodden people - in Government Colleges (for education), in Government Jobs (for employment). It is the sociological responsibility of all goverments in all developing countries to make sure that the "tickle down" effect works properly during the time of economic growth.

I don't understand -- What are those "SO MANY FACTORS" which prevented you getting good education in India, which prevented you coming to the US and making money .... if you were really discriminated in India, you would have become ricksaw-puller on Indian road by now.

Do you have any idea how much Indian Government is paying per student in any Government College for higher studies ? You may be carrying your habit of looking at you parents as the worst of all parents ...

I can remember from the advertisement of CAT exam for IIMs -- Calcutta IIM was writing in bold -- "Anyone who qualifies for admission to out institute, but is not able to study for fund, we guarantee his education here". In some corners, there was some sincere attempt to remove/reduce the biggest factor of all discrimination -- MONEY -- HAVES VS. HAVENOTS -- ....

Race/Color is much more discriminatory in effect than normal regulated reservation for sociological uplift.

Fortunately, all my colleagues were very co-opertive and helpful to me throughout my career in USA. Actually I always felt that my managers were treating me like their own son.

You may be fortunate. I don't know whether your boss is a white who has lots laid off friends around him asking for job. I don't know whether you have a habit of bootlicking with a wrong sense of being treated as SON (of what ?) ..
Re: DryIce, you may have some mental problem ...

What a bunch of crap! Out of every 100 seats in colleges of India, 69 seats are reserved for socially/economically backward people. And, the rest of the 31 seats are open for all -- this includes the backward caste people also. If this ain't discrimination, then I dont know what is.

If India is a developing country which needs such concessions for its population to be educated, then why is it that other than one section of its people, everybody belongs to the backward caste? Doesn't that seem like total disregard of people who belong to that one caste? If it were truely for the economical and social development of the downtrodden, then it should be based on your family's income and education levels. The system doesnt check your family's annual income or educational history to determine whether or not you actually qualify for a reserved seat now, does it? All they care about is if you were born in that caste. Don't counter me with the concession you get if you are the first person to go to college in your family -- that's a BONUS.

It works exactly like the diversity system here. In their haste to increase diversity, people often award a post or position to a lesser qualified individual rather than to an equally qualified individual from a minority group.

A note for those who you have suffered work place discrimination. I've often noticed that if you talk with authority and confidence people actually look up to you. If you are too humble and modest (which most Indians are) to blow your own trumpet, then you have to settle for what you get. Of course, your flamboyance won't get you far if you don't have sufficient intellect to back it up.

Originally posted by confu123

Yes, in a developing country like India, there is reservation based on Caste -- to provide an incentive to the uplift of the historically downtrodden people - in Government Colleges (for education), in Government Jobs (for employment). It is the sociological responsibility of all goverments in all developing countries to make sure that the "tickle down" effect works properly during the time of economic growth.

I don't understand -- What are those "SO MANY FACTORS" which prevented you getting good education in India, which prevented you coming to the US and making money .... if you were really discriminated in India, you would have become ricksaw-puller on Indian road by now.

Do you have any idea how much Indian Government is paying per student in any Government College for higher studies ? You may be carrying your habit of looking at you parents as the worst of all parents ...

I can remember from the advertisement of CAT exam for IIMs -- Calcutta IIM was writing in bold -- "Anyone who qualifies for admission to out institute, but is not able to study for fund, we guarantee his education here". In some corners, there was some sincere attempt to remove/reduce the biggest factor of all discrimination -- MONEY -- HAVES VS. HAVENOTS -- ....

Race/Color is much more discriminatory in effect than normal regulated reservation for sociological uplift.

You may be fortunate. I don't know whether your boss is a white who has lots laid off friends around him asking for job. I don't know whether you have a habit of bootlicking with a wrong sense of being treated as SON (of what ?) ..

By saying that they treated like thier own son, I did not mean anything wrong. I just meant that, in all circumstances, the humanitarian factor was always there. Like allowing me to take liberal offs when my family members are sick, I need to attend hospital and things alike.

BTW, I need not boot lick nor have any reservations for jobs or education. I am proud to be an Indian and I am a graduate from Indian Institute Technology.

You are the one mentally screwed up because, you interpreted all of my statements wrongly, while no one else did so in this forum.

And look at your Id "Confu123" - You already admitted that you are confused. Go get wrenched up.

Also, Confu Try to answer this question.. " Why are there no reservations in MLA seats, MP Seats ?" - If a BC gets 5 marks in medicine, he is qualified for MBBS - Why not a BC with 5 votes go to the parliament ?
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When you left your country, you should be prepared for these kind of things. It happens, it is painful, well, why not go back to your country and live . Well, it is tough right. Then to acheive some good things, some things need to be sacrificied.
Even though it is legally not right to do such stupid things, hey, THATS THE BITTER FACT OF LIFE.
Dry ice, I am impressed

that you graduated from IIT. Perhaps while you were zealously helping burn scarce resources you missed the fact that certain seats for parliament and legislative assemblies are reserved for BCs/ SCs/ STs.
Sunnyday, et al

if only the African-Americans had a similar viewpoint. I am sure your intelligence and accommodating nature would have rationalized how just it was for you to sit in the coloreds section at the restaurant.

Thank the Lord for what the African-Americans achieved in the USA for had it been upto you and the proud Indians from IIT we would have been a swell bunch of plantation workers.