"Penalty" for daily AVM check


Registered Users (C)
Does anybody know if there is a not official "penalty" for checking the AVM in a daily basis for 3 or 4 months?
wow! what a flight of imagination you have!

i wonder how people come up with such wonderful questions. good luck to you. worry not too much.
Think about it.....

If you are an INS officer.... you are working on somebody\'s file..... The computer tells you that this guy has checked his status 120 times in 4 months.... would you expedite this file for somebody that seems so desperated about it?.....
Isn\'t this equivalent to bother an INS officer 120 times in 4 months just asking the same question over and over "are we there yet?.....
Think about it....
I saw it happening during a transaction with my bank

I called the 1-800 number of the bank that I do business with to check the status of a check I had deposited before. The bank had not posted the check so I decided to stop at the bank office on my way back home after work. The lady that was at the computer tells me....did you just called to check you balance? the computer tells me that somebody just verified this balance over the phone......
I left the office thinking.... what if the INS has something similar?.... that could not be good....right?
sorry, i have other better thnigs to think about.

again, good luck to you. don\'t think about ins too much .
Any comments?

Any comments? Is anybody else out there worried that checking the AVM system to often my be bad for you case?
No Title

uhh! The idea of having an automated system is so that \'real people\' are NOT bothered...
There is an "unofficial" penalty

Increased anxiety leading to health disorder! Checking AVM 100 times is like looking at the odometer every few seconds towards the end of a long drive. The drive seems to get longer and longer.
You may want to pause thinking "what-if"s about INS and take it easy.
Never ask such a stupid question without thinking

If this is the case, I would love to randomly check other people\'s cases 1000 times everyday so that even people never checked their status get delayed:). of course i\'m kidding. But in theory, it\'s possible.

If you ask the above question to yourself, you wouldn\'t doubt anything. also, like in previous posts, AVM is meant to be "bother free" way for everyone to check the cases.

anyone agree?
I did not make my point clear before.............

I guess I did not make my point clear before. All I am saying is....
Could the AVM system log at the INS be saved for each electronic file?
I am not suggesting that you will get penalized for checking the system too often. All I am saying is, if the log is saved in the file and then it is available to the INS officer, could that potentially delay your case.
After all we are humans beings and we involve our passion and guts on our daily routines. Could a file with too many AVM checks be a target for some INS officers to just leave the file on the side for a "few" days?
I do not think this is a stupid question after all.
I am sure you all have experienced the "random variables" in processes that seemed well established.......
Any comments?
my 2c

conceivably, the INS may maintain an electronic log of AVM inquiries, but the operative question is this: what value would such a log have for INS? all it would tell them is that a paricular person has a penchant for calling x number of times a day to hear the AVM for his case. but that is all that it tells them. while this might suggest that this caller is either desparate or a nut-case, to conclude that this behavior pattern belies some more serious underlying issue is a leap of faith. would this suggest to a case officer that this caller warrants closer scrutiny? highly unlikely.

anyway, while your concern does border on the paranoid, it is not invalid. sometimes, a little paranoia could be good thing:)
Easy there.... bulova !!!!!!

Paranoid city baby !!!!!!

Bulova, don\'t worry.... first of all, I don\'t think the INS computer systems are as highly spohisticated as your bank\'s. Even if the notion of penalty is true, the officer will have to probably put in a special request for this special report and knowing INS, we can safely say that the report is probably sitting at Chennai consulate, which was shipped there along with I140 paperwork, obviously by mistake.... and knowing the consulates, they are probabaly refusing to send it back until a senator gets involved.... :)
Hence unless the IIO calls the senator and puts in a special request for this report, all of us are pretty much safe.... :)

Relax bud....

I guess I need brain surgery.

I guess I am being paranoic about this issue. It came to my mind and I just decided to put in on the table for analysis.
good. finally better sense prevailed upon you

just remember, all is well that ends well.
all the best.
But talking multiple times to IIO could definitely effect you and others..

and especially depending on the type of questions asked . Take the whole issue of request for paystubs for example.
Why should one get an RFE for paysubs from current employer ? GC is for a future job. This was never a request in the past. It is because of dumbass ( pardon my language) applicants calling IIOs and asking questions like:
1. I am on company payroll and not getting paid,will there be a problem. What does it mean \'on company payroll\' What is the proof of being on compnay\'s payroll. ANSWER IS: Pay.
2. This next one cracks me up " I am on an extended leave of absence...Will there be problems with my GC. What the heck is that ? The company is sponsoring GC on the basis that limited or no persons with the skills you have are currently available in the country and the Organization needs you..And by the way we can allow the person an extended leave of absence. What Horseshit.
3. My company is not doing very well ..Enter RFE for company\'s Tax Papers. A nuisance of addnl paperwork, lawyer fees etc. for Small Business companies which may even be doing well.

By asking such questions the INS which logs them, has put two and two together and concluded that there seems to be an inordinate number of applicants who are laid off or getting no pay etc. etc. Hence the increased request for Paystubs along with emplyment letter just before abjudication.
Depending upon the type of question you ask the IIO and the number of times you talk to them, you could expect an RFE. It is only logical.

INS is paying nothing for the call.....

Call as many times as you want guys. However INS is going to take as long as they want to process the case. If I were INS I don\'t give a rat\'s tail for how many time a customer call since it is not even a 800 number.
Why don\'t you check your mail box everyday and save a buck or two..................
You know what INS is not doing a favor........It is their job........
It is not like casino slot machine.......Keep putting money in a hope to win.............

Here is Rap:

Ruthless INS.......Restless Customers......
Scary Ecomony......Ducky adjudicators....
Scared of layoffs.....feared of home land...
Who to blame........
May be my home country.......
May be the law of the land...
May be self........
Aliens Welcome..........but not exactly.......

So I am wasting my time writing this rap. I am out of here.

If you can\'t take it easy...Learn to take it easy.........
Whatever the theme of this discussion, i would add this too..

It just does not make sense even to use such info for
persons like me.
Since my case has been pending over 19 months, obviously in cases
like mine, INS will see higher no. of calls than
anyone who waited on average 12 months.

Now, even to use that info, how would or where would INS
draw a line for treatment of such cases!.

Onething I saw now is, Employment based I485s have come down
by about 50% this year. The solution is already there now.
In about two years from now, INS will process EB based I485s in 3-5
months time.

We were all victims in the process but future immigrants will
see a easy process. Ofcourse, that\'s the world works.
One set of people have to go thru pain to make it easy for
the next generation.
