"FP notices issued by last name": Theory


Registered Users (C)
From the limited browsing that I did today, it looks like there is some
significant pattern in INS FP notices. Looks like the wives with last
names between A-H have received the FP notices, whereas the husbands
with last names L-Z have not (see data below).

This exercise might set our expectations right.

Those of you who have received your FP notices (or wife\'s), could you
please post the last initial (along with RD, ND, WAC) so that we can
track it.


cut-n-paste from other threads:

peter\'s friend :
His wife wac-01-148-xxxx received on 07/13/01 Oakland 08/07/01
Her last name starts with "H".
My friend not yet. His last name with "W"


ND WAC-01-144-xxxxx
A75 76x xxx
Spouse receivd on 7/13 (last name "h" )
Self still waiting (Primary applicant) (last name "s" )

Posted By: long_long
A# A075xxx
ND 03/20
wife, last name start with C, received 07/12
me, last name starts with P, no FP yet

Posted By: Linden
in Los Angelos
WAC# 01-155
Wife received FP notice on 7/14(scheduled on 11/14!)
I\'m still waiting.
Wife\'s last name: C
My last name: L

Posted By: BharatKnight
RD 04/06, ND 04/22

Wife rec\'d FP on 07/14 (Last Name \'G\')
I am yet to recieve mine (Last Name \'V\')

My info:
RD: 03/05/01
ND: 03/27/01
EAD/AP approved and recvd.
My Last name starts with: "R"
Wife\'s last name starts with: "R"

FP center: San Jose

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ND WAC-01-126-xxxxx
        A75 75x xxx
        Spouse received on 7/14
        Self still waiting (Primary applicant)
My wife\'s last name starts with I and mine starts with R
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It seems there IS certain advantage to share the same last name between husband and wife... :)
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My wife received her FP on 7/16, her last name starts with "L".
Haven\'t got mine yet, my last starts with "Z".
Both of us have ND 4/6.

Sounds last name theory is correct.
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dys wrote:

>It seems there IS certain advantage to share the same last name between husband and wife... :)

The advantage is only if you are willing to take the wife\'s last name ;-) (since they are the ones getting the notices)

Not that there is anything wrong with it :)

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my last name starts with K and I received FP and my
wife\'s starts with R and no FP yet. We live in San Jose,CA.
Our ND 03/27
EAD, AP approved.
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WAC 01-144-xxxx ND 03/01
My last name letter is "W", Wife\'s "S"
Both of us not yet get it.

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more data to that supports this theory:

Posted By: jatt_asli

I haven\'t received mine yet.
RD: 04/05/01
ND: 04/20/01
Last name starts with S
wife\'s last name with F

Posted By: kris360
Same thing for me too.
Wife received the FP notice. Wife last name starts with A. Me (Primary Applicant) did not get the FP notice, My last name starts with P
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More date to support last name theory:
Wait2001\'s A# and my A# are the same and our WAC#s are very close. Yet, he got the FP notice (his last name starts with G) and I am yet to receive it (my last name starts with P).
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RD: 02/16/2001
ND: 03/14/2001

Last name starts with G.

No FP yet. Lives in Chicago applied at CSC.
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     You are the exception that proves the rule. You should have
got FP in the previous batch, check with your lawyer and ask them
to fax an inquiry.
