Quick Question


Registered Users (C)
Is it necessary to file my and my spouse case togather. Or I can file it some time later on.

please answer.

Be specific when you are expecting a response to your question. Your question needs a lot of assumptions:

I dont know if you mean file I-485 for file:

if so, Yes & Why not..
if no, mention what file is that?

Is Dec01GC your labour file date or 485?

Anyways.. be specific from now on
take it easy bvrv

The poor guy is a newbie... he has only 2 posts.

TO answer your question (assuming it is for 485), you dont need to do it at the same time. But its better if you do. You can always add ur spouse anytime before your approval. Its better if you play it safe and do it before ur finger printing.

Many people file 485 go home ... get married comeback and then add their spouse to their application.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for your reply.

Dec 01 is my LC date and i'm going to file 140+485 togather but my wife is abroad. I want to know if i can file my 485 alone. would she be able to file 485 later on when she comes back.

will INS connect it with my file?
will her case be treated seperately according to her RD?

sorry for the confusion. i thought its 485 forum so i didn't mention anything . any way thank for your replies.