Quick EAD question.


Registered Users (C)
Didn't know if it was appropriate to post this in the other EAD thread.

Anyway, I'm in the US on OPT F1 visa, and had been planning to return to Europe at the end of the summer with my fiance (USC), with the idea of getting married there and living there for a few years.

Unfortunately my fiance's mother has become terminally ill and therefore we have decided to stay in the US and get married here. But now my OPT is about to run out at the end of August and we're only getting married this week so I won't get the paperwork in till like end of july.

However, we can't really afford for either one of us too not work so, i'm wondering if there's a faster way to get your EAD renewed/extended? Or is it really just gonna take the full 3months?(which seems to be the average according to the other thread)
If there were a faster way, i'm sure 95% of us would have taken it. Sorry, you submit the application and just wait. Check the USCIS website for NBC processing times. I believe they are towards the end of april now.
You have to file your papers quickly . Check the thread on AOS time line . Some have got their GC in as little as 90 days , and some have had to wait 465 days .
If you apply today , and have no RFE's , You could have your EAD in as little as 3 months .... Good Luck .
ps182 said:
Some have got their GC in as little as 90 days , and some have had to wait 465 days .
If you apply today , and have no RFE's , You could have your EAD in as little as 3 months .... Good Luck .

Is the GC just another EAD card with LPR as terms? just asking because you said GC in 90days and EAD in 3mths which seems to be the same amount of time.

im in san diego...not too many people one this site who've gone through there but the one guy who did it earlier this year got his interview in like 53days...so going on that I might be in luck...from his posts they seem helpful and quick down here...but we'll see

and what are the consequences of working throughout the AoS period?

thanks for the info.
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mroels said:
Is the GC just another EAD card with LPR as terms? just asking because you said GC in 90days and EAD in 3mths which seems to be the same amount of time.

im in san diego...not too many people one this site who've gone through there but the one guy who did it earlier this year got his interview in like 53days...so going on that I might be in luck...from his posts they seem helpful and quick down here...but we'll see

and what are the consequences of working throughout the AoS period?

thanks for the info.

You could get lucky as TX has a Rapid process in place . You can get your EAD in 3 months or apply for a IEAD if there is a delay .
With a pending AOS , you will need advance parol to travel .You will have to qualify for a GC and after approval , you have to apply after 2 years to remove the conditions . You have to prove that your marriage was entered in good faith ..... Guess that all for the consequences of working through the AOS .