Questions, please help!


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My company is going to cancel my H1 visa because I already passed 180 days limitation, they want to transfer me to work for them with EAD, that\'s the only condition they would help me to keep the statue of my GC. Now I was told that my case was already assigned to an officer, do you think the canclation is gonna have bad influence on my GC judication? I still remember that I had to submit the copy of my H1 when the time I file I485.
Please help me!
Dont worry it is fine! Only thing is you can\'t use h1 for h1 transfers etc.

GC wise everything is ok. Is your company a consulting company? If so they need not pay you if you use EAD. That s why consulting companies force employees to use EAD.
Yes, it is!

It is also the reason I guess. My current project is gonna be over. But it is ok for my case, right? And if the INS asked me for the paystub and they don\'t pay me, what am gonna do?