Questions for KumarSunil


Registered Users (C)
Hi KumarSunil,
   Congratulations for approval.
My RFE case is exactly similar to you. I also got RFE for certificate for non-availability of birth certificate and 3 pay stubs.

My questions are :

1. From where did you get the certificate of non-availability of birth certificate ? From registrar\'s office of birth/death or from some other office ?

2. In which language was the certificate ?

3. Did you submit any additional documents, in addition to (i) certificate of non-availability of birth certificate (b) 3 paystubs ?

I will appreciate your response.

No Title

Hi Pban
Here are the answers to your question
1. I obtained the NonAvail Certifciate from the District Municipality office in India. I did not ever contact registrar or Birth/date office. My brothers in India got it made and sent it in Fax to me. I had lawyer reply to RFE with Fax copy, and had my brother send the original by FedEx to me.
2. The Certificate was typed in English. And the seal was both in English and Hindi.
3. I did not submitted any additional docs, I submitted 7 pay stubs instead.
Hope this helps.