Questions about PP stamping, Please advise and share.


Registered Users (C)
I have just got my I-485 approval notice. Now I have questions as to what to do next. Please help with my following questions.

1. Do we have to go to the local BCIS office ASAP for PP stamping?

2. Does the local office take photos for you or we have to bring our own photos taken from other places?

3. We only received the original approval notices. Will they be taken by the local office when doing the PP stamping? What if we have to travel before getting the plastic cards?

4. Does the date of the PP stamping decide when the BCIS local office or the service center (NSC) is going to order the plastic cards?

5. How long does it take to get the plastic card now from NSC?

6. When is the best time to change one's address? Is it better to do it before PP stamping?

7. My spouse happens to be out of the country right now and may not be able to come back immediately. Anyone has any idea what we should do for situation like this?

Sorry for asking so many questions at one time. Thank you for your advice and sharing of experience.
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Thank you so much, JoeF.

Thank you very, very much. It was so nice of you to answer all my questions. God bless you.