Questions about Oath Ceremony


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Hi, I am going to have my Oath Ceremony on Friday, May 14. I have three questions, please help!!

1. What clothes should I wear for the ceremony? Suites?
2. Do I need to bring 2 photos for the ceremony? I do not plan to apply for passport in the near future.
3. The OL said that I should bring whatever immigration documents I have with me. However, I destroyed most of them after I got my GC. I do not have much immigration paper to bring with me, except for the GC. Will this be a problem?

Thank you again for your help and have a nice day!!
#1. Casual or Biz Casual is ok. There is no rule, but good to be dressed well. Suit is overdoing it ... I think.
#2. They would not need photos now.
#3. GC is good enough. They ask for "everything", but what they really want is GC. However, if you have any active immigration documents (EAD ... unlikely), you should surrender or destroy them.
Any one from Baltimore?
DOes Baltimore have Interview and Oath on the same day??
Please let me know.
Thanks so much