Questions about filling I-134


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A quick question regarding affidavit of support (I-134). Mine is a employment based GC (EB2).

1. To fill I-134 I need some pointers for the the following questions specified in the I-134 form:

Question:....... am I the person who executes the affidavit of support?

Question No. 3: Should I fill my name here?

Question No. 8: Should I Just fill my wife's name with relationship, age and mark "wholly dependent"?.

Question No. 10: what should I fill in here?

Thanks very much for the help, in advance.

Question:....... am I the person who executes the affidavit of support?

I am assuming yours is employment based case.
Yes, You are the person who is executing this.

Question No. 3: Should I fill my name here?
Your wife's name.

Question No. 8: Should I Just fill my wife's name with relationship, age and mark "wholly dependent"?.

Question No. 10: what should I fill in here?
Thanks Jaydeep!

Yes, I am an employment category and wife would be filing as my dependent.

What do I fill up the following:

Question 3:
This affidavit is executed in behalf of the following person:
Name: (my wife's name)

and below that there is a section which mentions:
Name of Spouse and Children accompanying or following to join person:

Spouse: ................ Gender.... Age.....

Child: ................ Gender.... Age.....

Child: ................ Gender.... Age.....

What do I fill in here? My wife's name again?

Originally posted by bvganesh
What do I fill up the following:

Question 3:
This affidavit is executed in behalf of the following person:
Name: (my wife's name)

and below that there is a section which mentions:
Name of Spouse and Children accompanying or following to join person:

Spouse: ................ Gender.... Age.....

Child: ................ Gender.... Age.....

Child: ................ Gender.... Age.....

What do I fill in here? My wife's name again?


If there is a child then fill the details here. Otherwise this will
stay blank.

The child will ofcourse have it's own I-134 and this
item will be blank there.

I brought my parents here 3 years ago to the USA and I filed I-134 for them. So, Should I provide my parents names in 9. That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following person(s).
There are conflicting opinions on this:

Some say if the visitors are no longer in US , you need not mention anything.

Since the question does not differentiate whether they are
still here or not, it is better to be factual and mention that you
have provided the affidavits to your parents and the dates.

I did the same thing even though my parents were here
in 2000 and long gone from US.
