Questions about filing N-400


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My wife and I are planning to travel to India during the middle of next month. We do not want to file the citizenship because my wife will be staying out of country for 2 months. My question is:

1. Is it possible, can I file all the papers while my wife is out of country? I will make sure all the paper work completed before she leaves the country.
2. Do both of them have to file separately or can we file together? In other words, can i put all the paperwork in one envelope and make one check for both of them?
3. If we need to reschedule the fingerprinting, how difficult is the process is?

I hope someone can help me with these questions. Thanks in advance.

1. Filing the papers is just sending them by mail, so if you have completed and signed all the forms you can send it whenever you please. However, be careful that the sign date is not earlier than 5 years minus 90 days.
2. You can file separate. I don't think it is a good idea to make one check for all. I think you need to make one check per application. You can send two different envelopes, or put each application in an envelope and both into a third one. I think to keep things neat and separate it is better to put each application in an envelope.
3. I am not sure how difficult it is to reschedule as I didn't have to do it myself. Hope someone else can help you with this or you can do a search of this forum. I have experience with the opposite, i.e. walk-in before the date.
Thanks for your reply.
In the application we need to fill the section "Time outside the United States".
My wife is planning to leave middle of next month and will arrive on August 25th. Do we need to record these times (future arrival dates) on the application? I will be mailing the application by end of July.

Thanks again,
Keep each application separate - that way everything is nice and orderly and fits into the well-defined USCIS process. People have sent the applications together, but under those circumstances you still want separate checks and separate application envelopes inside one larger one.

FP appointment can come back as soon as 4-5 weeks from submission, so be careful submitting paperwork for your wife if she will be overseas for an extended period.