questions about EA reference letters


New Member
Hi all, I plan to apply for EB1-EA. I bought two DIY kits for EA+DIW but I still have some questions about writing reference letters. I need to prepare a draft letter very soon, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

1) Some sample letters I have start from a introduction of the referee him/herself. For NIW I understand this is crucial since the referee should be qualified to evaluate the national interest. But for EA I am not sure. Does the referee need to state his own qualification?

2) I heard for DIW it is necessary to have people who are internationally recognized, especially those from outside US. They do not need to know you personally as long as they know your work and support that it is related to National Interest. Is this the case for EA? How do they know that I am "extraordinary good" if they only know my work?

3) I heard it is preferred to have people NOT having the same country of origin to write the letter for you. How about those with the same origin but have already stayed in the US for 20+ years and have a US citizenship?

4) Does the referee need to state repeatedly that "Dr. Xiaoch is good..." or "Dr. Xiaoch's project is good..."? I mean again it might be true that the 1st case meets the EA creteria and the 2nd case does not (and the 2nd works instead for NIW).

5) Is there other general guidelines on how to write a good letter for EA?

Thanks a lot!

Xiao-ch :confused:
Reference letters are very important and are case specific. You may like to take help of an attorney. There are also few online sites which help in drafting sample letters.
xiaoch said:
Hi all, I plan to apply for EB1-EA. I bought two DIY kits for EA+DIW but I still have some questions about writing reference letters. I need to prepare a draft letter very soon, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

1) Some sample letters I have start from a introduction of the referee him/herself. For NIW I understand this is crucial since the referee should be qualified to evaluate the national interest. But for EA I am not sure. Does the referee need to state his own qualification?

2) I heard for DIW it is necessary to have people who are internationally recognized, especially those from outside US. They do not need to know you personally as long as they know your work and support that it is related to National Interest. Is this the case for EA? How do they know that I am "extraordinary good" if they only know my work?

3) I heard it is preferred to have people NOT having the same country of origin to write the letter for you. How about those with the same origin but have already stayed in the US for 20+ years and have a US citizenship?

4) Does the referee need to state repeatedly that "Dr. Xiaoch is good..." or "Dr. Xiaoch's project is good..."? I mean again it might be true that the 1st case meets the EA creteria and the 2nd case does not (and the 2nd works instead for NIW).

5) Is there other general guidelines on how to write a good letter for EA?

Thanks a lot!

Xiao-ch :confused:
Saying "Dr. Xiaoch is good" and "Dr. Xiaoch's project is good" just mean you are average. Everyone is good. You won't get your case approved. You have to be extraordinary (more than outstanding). You have to be within a small percentage of people within your field.
xiaoch said:
Hi all, I plan to apply for EB1-EA. I bought two DIY kits for EA+DIW but I still have some questions about writing reference letters. I need to prepare a draft letter very soon, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

1) Some sample letters I have start from a introduction of the referee him/herself. For NIW I understand this is crucial since the referee should be qualified to evaluate the national interest. But for EA I am not sure. Does the referee need to state his own qualification?

2) I heard for DIW it is necessary to have people who are internationally recognized, especially those from outside US. They do not need to know you personally as long as they know your work and support that it is related to National Interest. Is this the case for EA? How do they know that I am "extraordinary good" if they only know my work?

3) I heard it is preferred to have people NOT having the same country of origin to write the letter for you. How about those with the same origin but have already stayed in the US for 20+ years and have a US citizenship?

4) Does the referee need to state repeatedly that "Dr. Xiaoch is good..." or "Dr. Xiaoch's project is good..."? I mean again it might be true that the 1st case meets the EA creteria and the 2nd case does not (and the 2nd works instead for NIW).

5) Is there other general guidelines on how to write a good letter for EA?

Thanks a lot!

Xiao-ch :confused:

In my experience it is not good to have only one draft and send it to everybody because then all letters will sound too similar. You have to have several draft and change them depending on the background of the referee.

1) EA, OR and NIW all need a introduction of the referee at the beginning to show that he is capable of evaluating you. All letter should also have the CV of the referee attached.

2) It is essential for EA, OR and NIW that the referee don't know you personally and that he evaluates you through your published papers and other accomplishments.

3) You should have referees from all over the world in academia and industry. To have somebody from your home country is fine.

4) If you write anything like "Dr. X is good..." or "project XX was good.." you can be sure that those letters will not be enough to support your EA application. This just describes average accomplishments and is also not enough for OR or NIW. You really should try to understand what you have to write for a good recommendation letter. It looks like the informations you got from the DIY kits are by far not enough. Go to a lawyer to get a better understanding what you need otherwise you might fail.
1) Some sample letters I have start from a introduction of the referee him/herself. For NIW I understand this is crucial since the referee should be qualified to evaluate the national interest. But for EA I am not sure. Does the referee need to state his own qualification?

I think the qualification of references are also very important for EB1. A letter from a 40 years professor works better than a letter from a 1 year assistant professor. I also ask my references for a detailed bio. In the begining of the letter, I ask them to emphasis their qualification.

2) I heard for DIW it is necessary to have people who are internationally recognized, especially those from outside US. They do not need to know you personally as long as they know your work and support that it is related to National Interest. Is this the case for EA? How do they know that I am "extraordinary good" if they only know my work?

I do not think so. Letters from U.S. people are more important. I would suggest 5-6 letters from colleagues and 2-3 from people who do not know you well.

3) I heard it is preferred to have people NOT having the same country of origin to write the letter for you. How about those with the same origin but have already stayed in the US for 20+ years and have a US citizenship?

This really depends. I do not think there is a general rule here.

4) Does the referee need to state repeatedly that "Dr. Xiaoch is good..." or "Dr. Xiaoch's project is good..."? I mean again it might be true that the 1st case meets the EA creteria and the 2nd case does not (and the 2nd works instead for NIW).

I assume words like "extraordinary" "outstanding" "excellent" "exceptional" have to appear frequently in your letter.

5) Is there other general guidelines on how to write a good letter for EA?

Different letter has different emphasis and all together bring a global view of how extraordinary you are to the officer.

Thanks a lot!

Xiao-ch :confused:[/QUOTE]
Can somebody tell me about the addresses of the online sites which help in drafting sample letters(rocommendations).
Thanks a lot
mehroke said:
Can somebody tell me about the addresses of the online sites which help in drafting sample letters(rocommendations).
Thanks a lot

There is not a single online site which gives you reasonable help in drafting sample letters. You have to draft them depending on the referee. Talk with lawyers who have a good track record for immigration, he can give you the advices you need or ask colleagues who successfully got their greencard by the same category you want to approach.
help me, chunming

Hi, Chunming:

I wasn't able to contact them. I sent them a couple of emails but got no responses. When did you use their service? Can you tell me how did you get contact with them? Thank you very much!


chunming said: