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questions about DSP-122 and DS-230 forms


Registered Users (C)

i have some questions about the DSP-122 and DS-230 forms

- in form DSP-122 it asks to list all the schools and collages i went to but i don't remember the primary school what should i do ?

- for DS-230 asks to complete one copy of this form for my self and each member of my family is that mean i will use one copy to write the data for all family members or it means one copy for each family member for example if i have five family members i have to make five copies ?

- should i send the photos of all the family members or only children under 21 ?

- should i add all the family members or only children under 21 ?
I think you should fill the form for yourself and for each family member. That means, if you go with you wife and one child, you should fill 3 copies,one for you,two for your wife and third for child. 3 DS-230 forms total.
Regarding photos, you should send 2 photos for each person going with you ,including you and of course children,even if your child is 3 months old :) (regardless of age).
You should include your wife and your children, if you have them.(Man, you think people under 21 are not humans? :D just kidding