Question regarding Form I-134


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I would appreciate someone's input on this issue:

My I-140 was an NIW (no LC involved). Therefore, I believe that TECHNICALLY speaking, I do not need a job offer for my GC.

However, I am currently employed and will be taking a letter of good standing from my employer.

Do I also need to take an I-134 from the employer? And the employer's proof of assets and tax returns?

Your advice is greatly appreciated.

I-134 is for your spouse and dependents.
If you have a spouse and dependent, then you will need one
for each member applying for GC
txcp: My wife is employed. Do I still need an I-134 for her - or can I just take a letter from her employer stating that she is employed and will continue to be employed once she gets GC. Also, I have a baby daughter who is a U.S. citizen - do I need an I-134 for her as well?

U need I-134 for each of the family member immigrating with u.
In your case u need it for your wife. U don't need one for the daughter. U just need to carry photo copy of your daughter's birth certificate and passport.