question regarding case to federal


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my friend has a strong case but he got rejection from the court and he had to appeal to virginia and got rejected also as well
he have 2 kids and both american citizen.
now he have 2 option voluntary departure or appeal to federal ,
how long its going to take if he go to federal to appeal his case?
any opinion for my friend?
Your friend will be better off if he appeals, otherwise the judge will simply issue a notice of deportation. It is up to your friend to make up his mind.
Every case is different, NO ONE COULD TELL HOW LONG IT COULD TAKE.
come on guys , if anyone have any opinion about this case , his daugther start her school this summer i just feel sorry for him
No body knows how long it takes in the federal courts. Too many factors are in play.

A majority of people lose at the level, though winning is possible. In other words, it is not hopeless but do not bet too much on a positive outcome.

Another factor is the possibility of an amnesty in the near future.