Question on RFE


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   I have a question about RFE.
Does the applicant also receives a copy of RFE, in addition to lawyer ?

The reason I am asking is that RFE has been generated by INS for my I-485 case. My lawyer has not yet received it. Actually he has changed his address, and probably has not notified to INS about the address change (He doesn\'t tell me even after asking many times).
I spoke to IIO today and told her about my situation, and asked her whether applicant also receives a copy of RFE. She said that she was not sure, and then asked me to hold. Probably she then asked someone else at to find out. She then came back and told me that INS sends a copy of RFE to applicant also.

Is that true ?

Those who already have received RFE, can please confirm this ?

She also told me to call INS after about 10 days if I still haven\'t received RFE by that time.

No, you will not receive the copy of RFE

I got RFE last year, but never received the copy of RFE. Only my lawyer got the letter and told me what to prepare. Your case sounds like one of my friend\'s case. His lawyer didn\'t notify INS about their office address change so RFE letter was lost. After my friend\'s persistent requests, his lawyer did finally a fax inquiry and it didn\'t work for him, so they had to contact the INS directly ( somebody on this board said the same thing
about the direct line for lawyers).
Secondly, I thought I got the second RFE because AVM was changed to "it mailed RFE" from "we received your response". My lawyer didn\'t get the letter even after a month. I asked my lawyer to take some action. She never responded me and also many people suggested me to do fax inquiry myself. So I sent the 2nd level fax inquiry on 02/15
and it turned out that it was not about RFE. It was one of those AVM
glitch. Somehow they opened my case again and approved on 02/25. Even though my lawyer said that everything has to come from the lawyer, bI think it is possible that my fax inquiry had them open my case again.
Thirdly, in my case, talking to an IIO was wasting of my time. They said
that it was truely second RFE which turned out to be wrong.
Don\'t count on IIO\'s saying.
So what I am saying is that you should not sit and just wait. Keep bugging your lawyer or do the fax inquiry yourself.
Hang in there and good luck with your case.
no RFE copy too

I didn\'t receive a copy of the RFE too. only my lawyer did. it is about employement letter & 3 most recent pay stubs. i have already submitted everything to INS on Jan 21 but the AVM never update. I have seen some people on this board saying AVM message changed around 2 weeks & some of them got approved in a month. I called my lawyer & they told me to wait. what i can do?
Thanks Nancy and namkh

Thanks a lot for sharing the info, especially Nancy for sharing friend\'s case. I think I have to push my Lawyer very hard to call INS.
He already has faxed to INS 2 days before. I will share the info whether faxing INS worked or not.
