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question on police certificate


Registered Users (C)

I have been living in USA for several years now and I plan to go back
to my home country for DV interview, i.e. consular processing.
My question is this, In addition to police certificates from my home
country, do I need to obtain police certificate from USA as well.
If so, is a state police certificate sufficient, or do I need an FBI certificate ?
The reason I'm asking is that it seems like I may be running out of time
to obtain FBI certificate before the interview.

As far as I know, you have to obtain a police certificate from every country that you lived on for more than 6 months. So in your case you have to have police certificate from the U.S.A.
I had to get PC from every place I lived in more then 6 months during last 5 years. In US you just contact sherrif's county records office and they'll explain everything. It's pretty easy: you send them the money with the explanation and prepaid envelope, and they send you back the results.
not necessary

i recently have recive my second letter from kcc and in the police certificate field , it says that "Present and former residents of the United states should NOT obtain any police certificates covering their residence in the U.S