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Question on Medicals


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

I have been browsing this site for a few days but this is my first time posting. I have also been browsing other DV sites and came across some posted experiences for medicals (this was for DV 2005 though). My query is as follows:

On the other site the DV 2005 posters (mainly Australia) said the medicals examinations involved stripping down to the underwear, the examination of private parts (for men) and women's breasts are examined for lumps. Tests are done for reflexes (knees and elbows), the spine is examined, flexibility is tested etc.

I have not seen any detailed posts here on exactly what is involved in the medical exams (except for the required vaccinations, blood tests and chest xrays) and don't know if all the above still applies. My concern is that I have naturally lumpy breasts (can't believe I am saying this) and would like to know if this would pose a problem?

Could someone please post exactly what is involved in the medical exams for both men and women? :confused:
in the former Soviet Union the examination involves stripping down, looking closely at the scars (asking about origins), teeth, and then the rest of the stuff. One time a guy didn't pass his medical because of his mild heart condition, which is appaling, because they are only supposed to check for infectious and mental diseases, that are dangerous to public.

In the US my exam consisted of taking a blood sample, listening to my heart and writing down my shots.
Could someone please post exactly what is involved in the medical exams for both men and women? :confused:

We are booked in for our medicals on Tuesday next week, so will report back the details based on me, my wife and our kids. Ours are in Florida as we are already over here on a visa.
AOS medicals are usually just a formality. Don't forget the skin test for TB! You now have to have it!
AOS medicals are usually just a formality. Don't forget the skin test for TB! You now have to have it!

I had the BCG vaccination against TB years ago (and have this on my doctors notes from the UK). Do they still therefore do the TB test?
Thank you guys for your responses.

@ LucyMo - They realy did all that in the former Soviet Union? Wow!!:eek:
they do it right now, since the Soviet Union is gone, and it is now the Former Soviet Union.

About the skin test for TB - it is now REQUIRED. Do it (and then, if it's positive, you still have to have an x-ray), if you don't want an RFE.
Just had our medicals (ouch)

Not long returned from having our medicals. All (me, Carolyn and 4 kids under 14) had height, weight, temperature, pulse, ear check, heart beat and blood pressure taken.

Then Carolyn and I each had 2 blood samples. Not wanting to sound like a whimp, this was the part I was dreading. Sadly, the first attempt missed the vain, so second time lucky :rolleyes: That was the better part.

The bit I hadn't anticipated being so bad was the TB skin test. I imagined the old UK type of 'staple' that makes 5 little skin deep marks. But this was a long needle inserted in to the lower fore arm and slid under the skin for a good 2cm, then about 1ml of syrup deposited. I didnt cry, honest! The kids really did not like it, especially my youngest daughter (just turned 3). A couple of weeks back she had to have 6 injections all at the same time for pre-school, which has left her with a fear of needles :(

Having had BCG jabs when I was 14, I believe this may make me show as positive for TB, so will probably end up with another TB jab.

Anyhow, that was about it. We have to go back on Thursday to have some injections (Chicken Pox, even though we have all had that back in the UK :confused: ), and check the skin test to see if we need a TB jab.

Total time was 2 hours - 1 hour in the waiting room, then 1 hour to all be processed.

No removal of clothes at all, which we were expecting, so that was a relief!
orlandovillas, how much did you pay for each member of your family?

I decided to go for my medicals yesterday and to my total surprise I only had to pay 95 $:D I had proof for all my vaccinations and they only had to do the TB skin test. The nurse also told me that Hepatitis B shot is NOT REQUIRED; however, I still have doubts about that. Did anybody get Hep. B vaccine?
@ orlandovillas

Thank you for the info on the medicals. Glad to see no stripping down and examination of the privates and breasts were required :D