Question on Medicals for 485


Registered Users (C)
If the Civil Surgeon issuing the medical forms, checks the line - due to religious and moral reason - as the reason for not getting MMR (vaccinations) done, will it reflect anything bad while 485 gets processed ?

The Doctor says that is the only way he can issue the medical certificate without the MMR (if wife is not pregnant).

Will this definitely attract a RFE in the 485 stage ?

Is there anybody who did this before ?

Please advise if this line of action is okay, or should it be avoided, if we can!!

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I do not understand is what kind of religion prevents you from taking care of your health?
Looks like you are taking about your wife here. What about your MMR? If you have already had MMR, don’t you belong to the same religion or don’t you care the same believes.

What looks funny to me is… most of the people do not even pay much attention to these “religious and moral” values in their home country and start acting funny in here.

Go back to your so called religious books are find them if it is against to take the MMR?

I know I am not answering your “question” but why don’t you take the MMR? Why do you want to flag your application? Current situation is not complicated enough for you?

This thread comes under 485 issues in California Service Center Not Moral issues in California Service Center. If you can't answer the question then SHUT UP! I don't think you even read the original post before shooting off your big mouth. So read it again and take it easy!


Short answer, if the case officer actually goes through the application, they will flag it and issue a RFE. If your wife has any good reasons against taking vaccinations, then that is where you have to prove it and HOPE it is accepted. Consult a good lawyer, and he/she will be the best person to advise you since we have no idea what your whole story is, and can't really comment on things where the data is insufficient.

Good luck nonetheless. Keep us posted!
Hey 140_takes_4ever:

As you replied ....."where the data is insufficient"
It depends on how you Interpret the original message when the data is not sufficient.

So, I replied what ever I thought it is right.

Don't get excited. Take it easy.
hey ! cool it over2years,
you got this totally wrong ! i guess i didnt give the whole pic. ,didnt want to overelaborate and confuse u guys.
this is not about religious fervour!

Point is we are planning on a baby and my wife taking MMR now will result in holding off on this, for the next 4-6 months (as advised by the doctor). So doc said he can check the line which says - moral and religious reasons - for not taking MMR

And hence my question.

Was anyone in this situation before ?

thanks for the reply 140_takes forever.
i guess we might not go with the religous reasons after all.
dallas _boy.

Its your call. You will definitely get a RFE later asking for you to do it. There are no exemptions. Its true that MMR can delay your desicion about the Baby

You have 2 options

1) Don't do it, try for a Baby get an RFE and then do it.
2) Get the MMR done wait 2-3 months and then have a Baby. ( Usually MMR is a problem if your wife is already pregnant(causing miscarriage) when you do it, if not its not known to be a problem, still 2-3 months should be a sufficient time.)

I would advice the second option as its not in your control when you and your wife can have a Baby beyond a reasonable level.
2-3 months should not change your plans by a great deal.
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life is on hold

I was in a simialr situation. So I decided to put my plans on hold for at least 6 months and we took that MMR. Call me stupid guys... I am more than a stupid probably.

I curse myself everyday for being so stupid, but still I can't stop visiting this forum twice everyday and anxiously looking for an approval/RFE to be posted. I am not able to find a cure for this Green Card Fever. I have thought many times to move out of USA, but couldn't take a firm decision on it. I have put every decision in my life(my family, my kids, my career, my house, my car and my life) on hold. I am sure, most of us have done that.

I am WAC-02-186-5****. Although I did my second FP earlier this month, I am sure, I will be going for a third finger printing some time next year. (I mean... onlyif I have a job for another 15 months that satisfies the conditions of my labor.)
Have to disagree with Soumy on this one!

IMHO, I am absolutely against putting my personal life on hold while INS goes about its ritualistic delays. If you start changing your life plans due to INS 'dikats' you are totally screwed.

Here is my take on it, I would go ahead and first try to find another doctor who is willing to check the pregnant box, if that is not possible, I would go with Religious and moral reasons, and request the Doctor to add the addendum that you are trying for a baby, and have been advised to bypass the vaccination.

My logic on the above is simple. RFE these days is a given thing. Everyone gets one, and it is cause for celebration because finally your case has been touched. Going by that logic, I would expect a RFE, and in which case, you can always go for the vaccinations at that time.

In no way would I postpone applying for AOS at this point of time. But I am against changing my life because of INS.

Offcourse the final decision is up to you and your wife. If you are comfortable with the idea of pushing back your plans, then that is definitely the easy way out! :)


Sorry if I appeared brusque in my earlier post, appologies for that, but the point I was driving at was that these are situations for which the background is hazy so instead of shooting off a very strong allegation, it is better to take one step back and leave the question alone if you can't answer it. Looking at dallas_boy's explanation, I am sure, made you wish your feet were a little smaller. :) It happens to all of us, so take it easy the next time around. We are all here to help each other, and if you are in the initial stages of your 485, we are all going to spend lots of time together, so it is in our best interest to get along.
Wanted to share my experience !!

We are also in the same situation about two years back. Then somehow decided to have the baby first. ( Not to involve INS in our personal life ). We applied for 485 when I was four months pregnant, and couldn't take the medical exams. Now my baby is one year old, and we are still in the long waiting process. We know we are going to receive RFE for paystubs etc , including this one. So it all depends on you to decide.

I40 what you say is theoretically ok.

Asssume she gets pregnant while the RFE comes ( ie say 3 months pregnant ). You can't take the MMR for a further 6-7 months. Even if you put pregnant on the RFE and send back,they will ask you to wait till you can take the MMR and then approve ( there used to be exemptions earlier but not anymore for pregnancy).And first of all if she's trying to get pregnant she should have taken it in the first place because if she gets (mumms or measeles during pregnancy it can affect the babay) . If he's ok with it then I140's suggestion is ok.

It's very difficult for anyone to advice you either way.
dallas boy,

Your doctor is wrong in saying that religious and moral grounds are the "only" way to certify your wife without the vaccine.

First off, the vaccine is reasonably safe and your wife can get it if she is not planning on pregnancy within the next 3 months.If for some reason you or your wife don't want to get vaccinated, you can get a blood test that would show that she has immunity against these three diseases- called antibody titers. Often times adults have antibodies due to subclinical infections ( no overt signs of disease) during their growing up years. These antibodies confer immunity from these infections for the most part. This test is not horribly expensive but certainly more so than getting vaccinated.Your doctor can then certify your wife saying that she does not need the vaccine. If your wife is enrolled in a University, they may do the antibody screen for free- or may have done it already during initial enrollment-worth checking out.

Hope this was useful. Good luck!!
Ok, Im gonna say this from my personal experience.

There are 2 options you have (as earlier said)

1. hold off planning for a baby for 4-6 months. Do MMR and start your 485 process and start your personal plans after 6months.

2. Or donot do MMR and start 485 process, which will later ask you for an RFE, and go on with your personal milestones as planned. There is a catch here -

Your wife can not take MMR while she is pregnant ( 9 months ) & while she is nursing ( ~1 year), assuming she would want to nurse the baby.

So, if you get an RFE for MMR in the next 2 yrs, she will not be able to respond for the RFE. Now while she is pregnant /nursing if the doc again (2nd time) writes in the report that she can not take the vaccine for the above reasons, then I am not sure if the INS will proceed further or wait until she *can* have MMR. These INS people work so much by book - I don't even know why we get these medical tests done. Can't people who come here on temp visa trasmit diseases. anyway, thats not the issue. But you get the pic.

If you think your case is not gonna get picked up in next 2 yrs (which is very likely - unless they take some drastic steps), I guess you are safe.

Decision is Yours.
The requirement for vaccination is not so much for "transmittal" of diseases. It is important in women because unexposed women can get seriously deformed children if they get infected during pregnancy. Having such children are a huge healthcare expenditure-needless to say the emotional trauma caused to the parents. So don't complain about these health screens- they are for your own good.

I want to repeat that the antibody screen (evidence of immunity) is an acceptable alternative to vaccination. However,If her antibody titers are negative, you are stuck. Check with her University (if applicable) to see if they have those records and provide them to your doctor for certification.

Personally, I would be reluctant to have a note on my records saying that I rejected the vacination on "religious and/or moral grounds" particularly if you really don't have such sentiments. This can cause problems in the future, God forbid you do get into a problem with your child related to this (rare odds). You could potentially be sued by the state or your own child for acting irresponsibly and causing harm to your child. This may sound far fetched now, but think hard before you decide.In the grand scheme of things, RFEs and Green cards are of miniscule importance, if you know what i mean.Good luck!!
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Inspite, your valid point of taking vaccinations now because the mother shouldn't fall sick while carrying, I still believe if dallas_boy and his wife are interested in going forward with the baby, they should! There is no way their case is going come up for processing within 2 years (worst case scenario as mentioned above by Mango_Pickle), so no problems in waiting for RFE!
Thanks for the responses!!

140_takes_4ever, Soumy, Mango_pickle, et al ..

Thanks a lot for taking time in responding to my query.
Esp Mango_pickle, as i think i remember her going through some of this. And you gave us an excellent point that it is going to be 9mo+1yr before she can do MMR again ..we did not take that into consideration! But now we do!

I think in all probability we might go with the MMR and go ahead with the application! Meanwhile my attorney is out (she is in labour;) ), so i have another 2 weeks time before i need to send her the medicals and stuff!!

Anyway thanks to all of you!
workaround for MMR

This is the workaround!!

As my wife got her vaccinations in her childhood in india, we got medical tests done for M. M and R and based on the results of the reports, our primary physician gave a note saying that the person is IMMUNE to MM & R.

WE gave this to the Indian INS doc that we went to and he promptly checked on the third explaination on the immunizations sheet which says something like "Vaccinations checked and all requirements met" and gave us the sealed cover!! His asistant showed us the photo copy of the immunizations sheet.

So the case rests!!

Thanks a lot for everyone for the responses though!!