Question on Leaving the employer....

JoeF said:
Note that there is no requirement to inform CIS about the job change. It is recommended, though.
JoeF, could you please provide more information about this recommendation.
A question to JoeF

In addition, I can prove that I initiated the job search way after becoming a PR.[/QUOTE]

Hi JoeF:

I posted a couple of day ago, in regards with my situation (already approved, but with an offer to join new employer in June 2004, but wanted to give ample notice to current employer in order to find replacement so we can finish our relationship in good terms). You were kind enough to shed some light on the issue. I have talked since with a lawyer and he doesn't think that it would an issue.

My questions to you however is: Do I need to prove that the propespective new employer was the one who initiated the contact (which is the case) although it has only been 4 months since I got my approval. Thanks in advance for the feedback.

JoeF said:
In addition, I can prove that I initiated the job search way after becoming a PR.

Hi JoeF
I just posted a question to you, but I don't know if it was worded properly. so here goes again.

My case was approved in August, and passport stamped 1st week of september. A prospective new employer has aproached me to attain my services starting next June 2004.

Since my relation with my current employer is cordial I wanted to give ample notice to them to look for a potential replacement. I have spoken with a lawyer and he doesn't think that it will become an issue (his professional oppinion though nothing more).

My question to you is How can you prove that it was the prospective employer the one that contacted you initially interested in your services. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your prompt reply to my question.

One more thing, what about if the intial contact was over the phone. As it turns out a good friend of mine working for this company (prospective employer), was asked if she was aware of somebody with the expertise they were seeking. She kindly suggested my name and gave them my phone # and that's how I was initially contacted. From that point on, I have kept a log of the e-mails that have been sent back and for between the company and myself. Is this enough? Again thanks in advance
JV8799 said:
In addition, I can prove that I initiated the job search way after becoming a PR.

Oh God, you asking q/s to WRONG person, CONTACT ur lawyer at the same moment and get his advice. If u r not sure contact few more lawyers( will cost few $$ ) and confirm it. But never ever beleive on JoeF, he is nothing more than troublemaker on this site. He has posted atleast 1000+ BS posts on this forum and everybody very pissed of him. You will see prompt explanation about his side(as well some advice about me), but for GOD SAKE ignore it. And CONTACT LAWYER.

Wish you good luck
JoeF said:
Here is another link from yet another well-respected lawyer that shows that CIS does not have to provide correct information:

Gosh, you are so naive or what? Of course, the law firms will say that "they are the best and don't get expertise from anyone else". A small child will be able to understand that they are trying to garner biz!