Question on Interview Date/ Oath in Baltimore


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I have not been in this forum in many months. I came back three days ago because of the following situation.

I am a resident of Maryland and applied N400 with a receipt date of 9/24. FP in December. Wife got the interview notice last Friday 4/4. The interview date 5/22. I did not get the notice. I spoke with my cousin who said that her husband's notice arrived 3 days after hers.

3 days passed and no notice. So, I called the 1800-375-5283 a little while ago. The automated system did not have my info. Spoke with a customer service guy who could not locate my file and transferred me to second level. The lady was very polite and looked up my case. Guess What!! My interview has been scheduled for May 3rd. The notice was mailed a day before mine. It has been misplaced.

My questions are

In Baltimore do they do the interview on Saturday? Because May 3rd is a Saturday.

I am leaving for India on May 13th and coming back on June 2nd. I was really hoping to get my interview after I came back. Since I am here, I am thinking of getting the interview done and getting the Oath postponed so that I can avoid the passport/ Visa hassels. Is that OK?

A friend of mine got his passport in a week just a few days ago. But, I cannot take a chance. Any advice?
I have not been in this forum in many months. I came back three days ago because of the following situation.

I am a resident of Maryland and applied N400 with a receipt date of 9/24. FP in December. Wife got the interview notice last Friday 4/4. The interview date 5/22. I did not get the notice. I spoke with my cousin who said that her husband's notice arrived 3 days after hers.

3 days passed and no notice. So, I called the 1800-375-5283 a little while ago. The automated system did not have my info. Spoke with a customer service guy who could not locate my file and transferred me to second level. The lady was very polite and looked up my case. Guess What!! My interview has been scheduled for May 3rd. The notice was mailed a day before mine. It has been misplaced.

My questions are

In Baltimore do they do the interview on Saturday? Because May 3rd is a Saturday.
Yes, USCIS is scheduling interviews on the weekend and after hours.
I am leaving for India on May 13th and coming back on June 2nd. I was really hoping to get my interview after I came back. Since I am here, I am thinking of getting the interview done and getting the Oath postponed so that I can avoid the passport/ Visa hassels. Is that OK?

A friend of mine got his passport in a week just a few days ago. But, I cannot take a chance. Any advice?

Assuming that you do the interview on May 3rd, there's no guarantee that your oath will be the same day.

You can either:
1)Go ahead with the interview and hope oath is held same day and then apply for express passport.
2) Go ahead with the interview and reschedule the oath if it happens to be while you're away.
3)Reschedule the interview until after your return from India.
Yes, they do interviews on the weekend after business hours during weekdays. Congratulations on your getting IL

won't it delay interview & oath ceremony if interview is rescheduled? just curious. Some seats are full-booked at the oath and interview.
Thanks for the reply. I called USCIS a second time regarding the weekend interview and they confirmed that they conduct the interviews during the weekend.

However, the IO this time asked me to schedule a INFO pass with Baltimore office and get a duplicate copy of my interview notice. she said that the USCIS will interview people on the scheduled date and time even if the notice is lost in the mail but the security at the building may not let you in the building without the notice.

So, I have scheduled a time on the 18th April to meet with an IO in Baltimore to get a copy of my interview notice.

I will go ahead with the interview on 5/3. If my Oath is not on the same day, I will get it rescheduled for a time after I come back.