Question on Finger Print Results! Please Help


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I got the notice for my second finger Prints. As I'm working at Milwaukke, WI, I went to local Finger Prints office to check whether they can do my finger prints. They agreed and took my finger prints. While entering in the System, they entered the destination as Vermont Service Center.
To day I called FBI to check the status. They told me that they have sent back the Finger Print Results on the same day to Nebraska Service Center. I told them that the results should be sent to Vermont not Nebraska. But they are saying that as the request is received from Nebraska, they sent them to Nebraska. As per their version if needed Nebraska will send them to Vermont. They are listening to any thing I'm trying to explain.
Has anyone has experince with this kind of situaition? Is this normal? Do I need to give my Finger Prints again in Vermont Service center?

Thanks in advance,
When you do FP at a diff center it takes longer for tham to reach. I myself did it a diff center a week ago- have not chekecked with FBI yet.
Some others have mentioned - it mtook take as much as a 4-5 weeks to reach VSC.

You will be fine. My FP results were send to TSC instead of VSC. Mine was approved without any problems.
I had my FP done at Milwaukee, WI. The results were sent to Vermont Center.
You should be ok.
When did you do the FP?

hI ekurian,
When did you do the FP? How long it took to reach Vermont? Is there any way to find whether it reached Vermont?

When you received your FP2 has your case status message updated? Was there any change ?

Or does it get updated only after the receipt of Finger prints results from FBI ?

Please post your experience in this.
There is no change

There is no change either in the status message or last updated date when I received the Second FP Notice.
I gave my FP on 05/15/04. So far there is no change.
They take atleast a month to update the status on FP2. So don't worry. I did my 2nd FP in Jan 13th they updated the status on Feb 19 and my wife's they haven't even bother to update
What is the FBI Number

Could you let me know what is the FBI contact number. I had my fingerprint done last week in Milwaukee. I want to check my finger print status.