Question on filing fee


Registered Users (C)
Q1. I am evaluating applying for extension for my parents who are on B2. Seems like you can file one I-539 form for parents and don't have to do 2 separate for mother and father. Am I right?
Q2. If answer to Q1 is yes, what is the filing fee. Is the fee 300$ or 600$?
Q3. How long is the processing time in VSC these days, I have already checked processing times on uscis site and I know it says 2.5 months.

A1: One I-539 per applicant
A2: Two I-539s, so $600
A3: More important that the processing time is the justification for the extension. Every I-539 applicant risks 222(g). Have they got a bullet proof justification?

Q1. I am evaluating applying for extension for my parents who are on B2. Seems like you can file one I-539 form for parents and don't have to do 2 separate for mother and father. Am I right?
Q2. If answer to Q1 is yes, what is the filing fee. Is the fee 300$ or 600$?
Q3. How long is the processing time in VSC these days, I have already checked processing times on uscis site and I know it says 2.5 months.
I am not sure about TC answer. One I 539 form to be filled in which the 2nd applicant name is added. The fee is $300 only. I am certain about my answer as my friend had just filled the form on 29th Oct