Question on EAD & AP Renew !


Registered Users (C)
Renewing EAD and AP electronically!, i have 4 months left on EAD, so thought right time to renew it. Got couple of questions while filling forms 765 and 131.
Your help is greatly appreciated on this ...

Form 765:

1 . Country of Citizenship/Nationality
Options : India-GOA,India-SIKKI,India-NICOB,India-JUNAG,INDIA-INDIA, i am sure its India-India but thought to confirm it.

2.Please select your eligibility status: (c)(9)-Filed 485 (Selected ..)

after this .. they have..
Please provide information concerning your eligibility status [ Text Box] What is this?

Form 131 :
Class of Admission --- What is this?


India-India is fine.

Eligibility is c (9) is fine

For I131: class of admission means the last time you entered the US, did you enter using H1B or AP.

Got mine efiled in Feb'05 (EAD and AP) and both approved in Apr 1st week. see Signature.
Also preferable pay by a direct debit to your bank account. Better traceability when you do that.

Hope this helps.
What is this?

vascodagama said:

India-India is fine.

Eligibility is c (9) is fine

For I131: class of admission means the last time you entered the US, did you enter using H1B or AP.

Got mine efiled in Feb'05 (EAD and AP) and both approved in Apr 1st week. see Signature.
Also preferable pay by a direct debit to your bank account. Better traceability when you do that.

Hope this helps.

Please provide information concerning your eligibility status ?
vascodagama question again?

Have you ever before applied for employment authorization from BCIS?
Date :
Status :

Employment Authorization is EAD rt .. so i have to give my EAD applied date and status is Granted rt?. Please correct me if i am wrong. Thanks again
Vascodagama need an answer for this too.

On a separate piece of paper, please explain how you would qualify for an Advance Parole and what circumstances warrant issuance of Advance Parole. Include copies of any documents you wish considered. (See instructions.) ..

Do we have to explain on a separate piece of paper?.